Chapter 14- Exams and the House Cup

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Exams at Hogwarts starts the first week of June. In the blistering heat, making it very difficult to focus on anything. The worst part of exams though? The quills we have to use on all of our tests are charmed with an anti-cheating spell. Which makes sense but they are very old and your hand hurts loads after using one.

"Here take this. We figured out the charm the teachers use on the quills and found the counter curse. This one is for history of magic." George says to me in the halls between exams. He places an exact replica of the test quills on the pile of books I'm carrying.

"George no! Take it back." I whisper yell at him. He puts his hands in the air as a sign of defeat and takes the quill and puts it back in his pocket. "How did you two even figure that out?"

"I've been doing magic since before I could walk. Mum always said I was an early bloomer, to smart for my own good, 'oh Georgie you could achieve so much if you just focused on your school'. So I focused on my school's quills and managed to figure it out." He says cheekily.

"You're impossible you know that right?"

"Look who's talking. Like hanging around you is a walk in the park."

The bell rings, "I have to go, I have my herbology exam, and then my history of magic one and I'm finished." I tell George.

"All I got left is transfiguration. I'll see you after." He pecks my cheek and rushes off down the hall. I spin around and head the other way to the greenhouses.

I make it to the greenhouses just in time. My friends are already sitting at the makeshift desks they brought in for the exams.

"This school has to take a page out of the muggles books and invest in some air conditioning," Walter whispers to me as I sit down beside him.

"Some wut?"

Walter shakes his head, "Its this thing that muggles have. There's a little box on the wall and you use the nobs on it to control how hot or cold your house is. The box controls the machine that you have outside your house and it pumps either hot or cold air through vents in the floors." He explains quickly.

"That doesn't even make sense, how would the box on the wall be able to tell the machine outside what to do?"

"Silence!" Professor Sprout says loudly from the top of the class. She waves her wand and test papers fly around the room and land on everyone's desks. "You have two hours. Starting now."

As soon as Professor Sprout takes our papers, all the Slytherins run back to the castle to make it to Professor Binns classroom.

Two hours later and we walk out of the classroom officially done with third year. "Aaargh." Walter grunts, snapping his quill in half. He throws it to the ground and stomps on it.

"Was that really necessary?" Emma says, stepping over Walters smashed quill.

"I failed that exam. I just know it." Walter kicks at the splinters of his quill.

I can hear Fred and George laughing, turning around I see them looking at their map. I spin back to my friends. "Look, we are done with classes. We are still stressed. Why don't you all come with me and we can hang out with the Weasleys by the lake or something. You'll like them once you get to know them."

Walter nods in agreement, so does Emma. But Clarissa is hesitant. "I don't know. What if someone sees me talking to them? My parents will have a fit."

"Come off it Clare. Do you see any parents around? No ones going to be paying attention to you anyways, exams just finished!" Walter says.

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