Chapter 9- Christmas

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The days leading up to Christmas day flew past. Lee's parents wrote to Dumbledore and they came by and picked him up from Hogwarts the next day. Apparently the boy didn't get proper permission from his parents to stay the holiday on the castle grounds. Nevertheless, our days almost always consist of a snowball fight or two with the Weasley clan plus friends. Hot chocolate by the Gryffindor fire, and exploring the halls of Hogwarts using Fred and George's Marauders map. We even bewitched snowballs to follow Quirrell around and hit him in the back of the head for a whole day.

Recently, I haven't been sleeping in my own bed, instead, I have temporarily claimed one of the empty beds in the twins dorm so I'm never alone. Because between you and me the dungeons are quite spooky when its only you and the Bloody Baron running around.

I feel a pillow hit me in the face when I open my eyes George is standing beside my bed in his pyjamas. "Happy Christmas Violet." He says quietly.

I stretch my arms up and smile sleepily at him. "Happy Christmas Georgie." I sit up on my bed and pull George down to sit beside me. I flatten out his bed head slightly and quickly peck him on the nose. While we have been getting a lot closer and more romantic recently, we haven't actually kissed like on the lips quite yet. We also haven't made an official announcement or anything declaring that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Which doesn't phase me too much. We aren't even fourteen yet.

"I think Dumbledore knows that you've been spending time in here Vi. All your presents are at the foot of your bed." George says. I crawl over to the edge of my bed and peek over it. There's a really big pile of presents wrapped in pitch black paper, a few wrapped in newspaper, and a crumpled one in bright red paper. I jump out of bed and sit in front of the big pile of presents. I unwrap all the black paper ones first, knowing that they are from my family. Loads of new clothes, loads of home-baked sweets made by our house-elf Dobby. A gold set of new gobstones. Nutmeg, our owl swoops into the window, freaking our George and waking Fred up ("Bloody hell was that Errol?")

I rush over and take the note out of her beak. She stays beside me as I open it carefully. Inside is three galleons and a little note from Draco wishing me a very Happy Christmas and how he misses me so. I rip one of my sheets of parchment in half and quickly scribble a note back to him thanking him for the present and hoping he likes the one that I sent home before the break. I kiss Nutmeg on the top of the head and give her the note. "Get home safe," I say to her and she flies off again.

Fred is now awake and ripping open his presents. I go back to doing the same. Walter has sent me a pack of "muggle quills that have the ink inside them. We call them pens." Which make me smile. Clarissa has sent me liquorice wands and a necklace with a note saying that all of our dormmates now have the same one. I put it on before picking up what I assume is Emma's gift. Ripping open the paper, I am face to face with a smiling portrait of Gilderoy Lockhart with his signature on the far left corner.

"Don't tell me Mum made a sweater for Violet too." George groans looking over at the red package with my name on it.

"Wait. Mrs Weasley sent me a present?" I smile and snatch the red package from the floor.

"I dunno how she found out about you and George. There must be a snitch in our group or something." Fred's words are soaked in sarcasm

Ignoring the curses flying from Georges mouth, I carefully open the red package. Inside is a cluster of candies, a note, and a very green sweater.

Dear Violet. Fred tells me you and George have been getting close! We must have you over some time this summer so we can all be properly introduced to one another. I'm sorry if the sweater is a little too big, I used the same measurements as the sweaters I make for Fred and George. Please let me know if you like it! Thank you for looking out for my boys when I'm not around. I know it's not an easy task. Happy Christmas darling! Love Mrs Weasley.

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