Part 8, Chapter 4- The Gang's Back Together

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The next day Walter, Lee, and Emma show up to the Burrow. How they found out that I was there I have no idea.

"Violet!" Emma calls as she walks through the front door. "Violet LeStrange you get your ass over here!"

George and I are still curled up in bed when she screams through the house. Arthur is out at work and Molly went into town so we were just going to have a lazy, sex-filled morning. Not anymore apparently.

"Emma!" I shriek. I pull on some jeans and a tee-shirt and sprint down the stairs. George groaning behind me muttering about his lazy day plans being ruined.

I haven't seen Emma in two years. Sure we've sent each other owls and things but she's been living in France for the past little while. I haven't seen Lee and Walter for about the same amount of time. The two took a break in their relationship and went their separate ways for a while, but according to the last letter I got from Lee they are very much back together.

I see the three of them standing in the living room and I nearly start crying, "Look how old you all are!" I shriek. The three of them turn around and smile really big. I practically throw myself down the rest of the stairs and pull them all into a massive hug.

"How the bloody hell did you know that I'm here!" I say hugging them individually again.

"Molly sent Lee a letter a while ago, telling him all about the plan to get you here. Dumbass lost it in the move and we just found it the other day." Walter says before he kisses Lee on the temple.

"The move? You two live together finally?" My face hurts from smiling so much.

"As close as we can be to married, given the world hates the idea of two men being together and everything." Lee says.

"Fuck the world." Emma shouts.

"Fuck the world!" The rest of us shout even louder.

George comes down the stairs and comes over to us, after another round of big hugs and 'I've missed you's' George looks at us, "Can we not scream so early in the morning?" He grumbles.

"Baby its like nine in the morning. That's not that early." I say pecking his cheek. Emma looks at me with her eyebrow raised and gives me a look that says 'we're going to talk about that later'.

After a quick breakfast of French toast made by Lee and Wally, we migrate to the living room where we all start talking about the last couple years. The conversation moves from what we've been doing to Hogwarts memories.

"Alright but how many times did you sneak Violet into the Gryffindor common room? I mean if McGonagall ever found out what you two were up to in there..." Lee says smiling.

"Can't have been more than... I dunno, five? Six?" George says looking at me.

"God it feels like forever ago... sneaking around with all of you basket cases." I say thinking back to all the stupid shit that we were doing.

Emma falls sort of quiet, and soon the rest of us do too. It's hard to think about all the memories we have when we're missing one of our best friends. All of the memories are happy on the surface but if you think about them for too long you get really sad... which is where we are all at now. We sit in a sort of comfortable silence for a good long time. George and I are sitting on the opposite sides of the couch, but our legs are intertwined in the middle.

Emma clears her throat and I look over at her then at George, "Emma and I are going to go on a walk... Girl things." I say to him.

George nods and moves his legs so that I can get up. Emma and I walk over to the front door and get our shoes and coats on. The boys start talking about their favourite thing to talk about, Quidditch.

As soon as the door closes behind us Emma looks at me, "You and George."

I laugh, "Me and George."

"Are you two back together?" She looks at me with wide eyes, Please tell me that you two are back together, it would make my childhood complete."

I laugh really loudly and we start to walk through the Weasley property, "Yeah we're back together. Made it official last night but according to George we've been dating for a month already."

Emma sighs and smiles really big, "You don't know how good that makes me feel Violet." She says. I try to interrupt her but she shoves me a bit and continues, "You deserve so much happiness Violet it's not even funny. You both deserve so much and the world has been so shitty to you both."

"Awh Emma you're going to make me cry." I say smiling at her.

She looks at me, "I love you dude, and I've missed you so much." We hug each other and cry a bit before we keep walking.

"So what about you hmm? Have you been seeing anyone?" I ask her. I know that after Fred's death she closed off any and all emotions that relate to love and relationships. It broke her, seeing the man she loved lifeless in the middle of a warzone, in the middle of the place that the two of them used to sneak around together.

Emma goes quiet for a minute, "Yeah actually... I'm seeing someone." She says quietly, "You remember Travis Williams? Hufflepuff, our year?"

I rack my brain trying to put a face to the name, it clicks after a moment, "Oh yeah! He was always pretty cute."

Emma laughs a bit, "Yeah we only recently started seeing each other, like a month ago or something. But it's the first time that I actually feel like I'll be able to love him the way that I love... loved Fred." She chokes a bit when she says Fred's name, "I'm sorry. It's been so long I don't think that I should feel this way about it anymore."

I put my hand on her shoulder and squeeze it, "You loved him. If I lost George the way that you lost Fred I don't think I would ever leave my bed no matter how many years have past."

Emma smiles sadly, "So is this it for you? George I mean, like are you two... it?"

We turn back around to face the Burrow and start walking slowly back in the way we came. "He said he wants to propose to me. Two of his brothers have kids now and seeing him interact with them literally made my ovaries hurt."

Emma and I both laugh, "Yeah love that's called baby fever. You want kids. You want his kids."

"I dunno though. I mean he's so ready to propose, to start a family or whatever but we've only been dating for like a month."

I don't have to see her face to know that she's rolled her eyes, "No, it's only been a month since you started dating again. You two were together since you were like thirteen. It's sort of magical and we're literally witches."

"Alright but we were kids back then. And we've broken up like three times in the past. Who's to say that it won't happen again."

Emma spins around and glares at me, "You two broke up because of a war Violet. There was a fucking war and you broke up. His twin brother died, your best friend died. And you didn't see each other for a while. You can't tell me that you stopped loving him when you two were apart."

"Okay but..."

"Don't you dare say 'okay but' to me Violet LeStrange. The man you love is alive, healthy, and has nearly all of his parts. Don't fuck it up because you aren't sure about shit because I don't want to hear it." Emma snaps.

"Where have you been the past two years? I need you around whenever I make big decisions." I say smiling.

Emma bumps her hip into me and we walk back into the Burrow just in time to hear George shout, "I WOULD HAVE MADE CAPTIAN IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT PINK OLD WOMAN!"

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