Part 5, Chapter 36- Draco's got himself in trouble again

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"One more class like that and I might just pull a Weasley." I hear a student say in the halls late May. Its been a solid month since the boys decided to fly away from Hogwarts and everyone is still talking about it. I mean it's hard not to talk about it when their swamp is still on the fifth floor. Umbridge can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it and because the boys are oh so kind they've left no instructions to get rid of it.

"Have you spoke to George recently?" Emma says coming up to me in the common room.

"We've been sending owls back and forth but he's really busy with the shop so it hasn't exactly been perfect," I say back to her. I pat the spot on the couch beside me and she sits down.

"I miss them. More than I thought I would honestly." Emma sighs. She kicks off her shoes and crosses her legs underneath her, pulling out the Charms textbook.

"You miss both of them or just Fred?" I say looking at her with a smile on my face.

Emma laughs, "Both of them. The whole school feels different without them."

It's true. Ever since the boys left the schools been full of chaos. The corridors are full of the smell of dung bombs and the smoke from fireworks that if you don't walk out of your classroom with the bubblehead charm then you're setting yourself for failure. Peeves has kept his word to the boys. He's been the worst he's ever been, or best depending on how you look at it. Unscrewing chandeliers (which rumour has it McGonagall helped him with), dropping the dragon dung that he's stolen from the Herbology greenhouses onto Umbridge's head so much that she walks around with an umbrella. It's been crazy. But if Fred and George were here they would have loved every second of it.

"I know what you mean. But hey, in a month's time we're going to be out of this place." I say to her.

Walter comes walking through the common room entrance with Cassius, Miles, and Adrian. Graham went missing for a few days and they found him stuffed in a toilet. No one is quite sure what happened but he's been in the hospital wing ever since. According to Cassius, he's really disoriented and confused. Apparently his parents are coming to visit him.

Emma waves Walter over and he excuses himself from the boys. After we got back from holiday Walter told me that he and his dad joined the Order but that was the last I heard about anything. He's been getting quite a lot of mail, mostly from his dad keeping him in the loop about things. I on the other hand haven't heard from anyone since Easter holidays, nor have I written anything to them. I told Emma and Walter about what I had to do over the break on the night after the boys left.

"Violet have you started your Herbology paper? I haven't been able to find anything on the plant I decided to study." Walter asks as he sits down in the armchair near the couch Emma and I are on.

"Well, that's what you get when you go to study something that isn't in the curriculum. I mean honestly Walter, Sprout said you could choose any plant we have studied over the past seven years to grow and study for your final and you had to choose something that even Sprout had to look up." Emma says not bothering to look up from her studies.

"She did not have to look it up. It just took her a minute to remember what it was. I heard that Ron's friend has one too, a Mimbulus Mimbletonia." Walter says as he pulls out a really big, really old, library book from his bag. "Pince said there would be something I could use in my paper in this book."

"You're plant is so obscure that the Gryffindors were using it as a password for a while Wally," I say to him. Emma laughs. "Also, Pince only gave you one book? Didn't you tell her that we need at least seven different research pieces? Sprout needs a list of all the books we used."

Draco storms into the room, his nose as long as his wand. Everyone bursts into laughter. "I hate the fucking Weasleys." He says coming over to us, "They're not here to fill the position of school trouble makers anymore so people all over are trying to take their place. And course cause I'm on the inquisitor squad..."

"Leader of the inquisitor squad..." Emma mumbles which makes Walter and I both smile.

I don't think Draco heard her because he just keeps talking, "So I'm being targeted by it all. But I'm just trying to make the school a better place. A safer place! Why can't anyone see that?"

He flops himself onto the coffee table so he's sitting in front of me. "What did they do to your hands dude?" I joke.

Draco looks at me, his nose almost touching mine and he's nowhere close to me, "You're fucking kidding right?"

"Language Draco," I say.

"Who cares about language! I could go snorkelling with this thing!" He cries, "Could you please get rid of it?"

"How do you know what snorkelling is? Wizards don't go snorkelling." Walter asks sitting up in his chair a bit.

"What even is snorkelling?" Emma and I say at the same time.

"Oh, a snorkel is this tube thing that you put in your mouth when you want to swim underwater for a long time. You leave one end of it above the water so you're still able to breathe. Scuba diving is better, that's when you-" Walter gets cut off my Draco.

"Hello! That is not the pressing issue here!" He cries.

Emma, Walter, and I burst into laughter, "Alright fine. What did they hit you with?" I ask him.

"Just a simple engorgement charm. I would undo it myself but I can't get my aim right. And there was no way in hell I was trusting Crabbe and Goyle to do it. Their aim is awful." Draco says.

I haven't used my wand since I've gotten back from Easter holiday, all of my teachers make me use non-verbal magic which doesn't require the use of a wand. Which helps me a lot cause every time I touch my wand I get flashbacks to Easter holidays. Something that I forgot at this moment, cause I pulled my wand out of my hair and instantly started to get panicky.

"Oh Violet it's not that big of a deal just point your wand at me," Draco says rolling his eyes. He's picked up on my sudden mood change but he hasn't clued in as to why it's really happening. Not that I expect him to that is, I haven't told anyone about my new found fear of myself, not even George.

"Reducio," I say almost lazily and flick my wand towards Draco's nose. Instantly it shrinks back down to its normal size. I shove my wand back underneath my ponytail and make sure that it's stuck firmly in my hair.

Draco puts his hand on his face and pats around a few times to make sure that it actually worked. "God, you're the best!" He gets up and kisses my forehead and goes off to his friends, all of whom appear to have had some sort of charm practiced on them recently. I could have sworn that I saw antlers on Pansy's head.

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