Chapter 5- Want a Jelly Slug?

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Going to Hogsmeade through the secret tunnel the boys found was fun. Coming back is exhausting. The trip consisted of George and I side by side the whole time as Fred and Lee made fun of us very dramatically. That and hiding from Hogwarts staff and people that know us. Once we got everything we needed to get, including Draco's quill and ink, along with Ron's sherbet lemons, and a bunch of stuff for us, we decided it was time to head back to Hogwarts.

"So like. Are you guys, dating or something?" Fred says as we hike through the secret tunnel. He turns around to face us and starts walking backwards so he can keep up with Lee.

"Uhh, dunno," George says back. He looks at me to say something but he decides against it. The truth is I haven't thought about what was going to happen either. I still have to keep quiet about who my actual friends are around my Slytherin friends and George, well he doesn't care about his reputation at all. I say I don't care about it either but after living with the Malfoys practically my whole childhood, it feels like I have a name to uphold.

The rest of the walk is relatively quiet. Fred and Lee are far enough away that we can't hear their conversation. George and I are quiet, which allows my mind to run wild. Which definitely isn't a good thing. My first thought is "at least I don't fancy a muggle-born" then I shut that thought out of my mind because it blood status doesn't matter. Then I thought "well it matters to Uncle Lucius so if Draco tells him I've been sneaking around with a Gryffindor, at least he's a pure-blood". But that only allowed for me to think about the look on Uncle Lucius' face when he realizes that he's a Weasley and I've tarnished the family name by simply associating with "a damned red-headed blood traitor and his spawn" Uncle's words, not mine.

"Oi, you want a jelly slug," George says, nudging me with his shoulder slightly, taking me away from my thoughts and back into the real world.

"Ugh gross, how do you even eat those," I say jokingly.

George rolls up his sleeves, holds the slug candy out in front of him and rather aggressively shoves it in his mouth. "Jus' like. That." He says, his mouth full.

By the time we reach the entrance of the tunnel George has nearly finished all his sweets, all except his Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. "Gotta save these for the common room activities. The Gryffindors normally buy one box each, pour them into a big cauldron and play a game that definitely does not include underage drinking by any chance." George flicks his nose and winks at me and I laugh.

After making our way out of the tunnel, I pull my Slytherin cloak out of my coin purse and put it on, concealing what I'm wearing underneath. George snatches the beanie off my head and puts it on. "Might have to keep this there Violet. Dunno when I'm gonna see you next." He pecks me on the cheek and runs ahead to catch up with Fred and Lee. Not before turning around and waving at me one last time.

I make my way back to the dungeons and go into the common room. A few Slytherin students are milling about and look over when I walk in. I rush to my dorm and quickly change.

"Violet! Did you get me what I asked for!" Draco comes bursting into my room as I was fixing my tie.

"Slow down, I mean seriously who is chasing you?" Draco plops onto my bed and waits relatively patiently for me to pull his goodies out of the Honeydukes bag. "How was your day?" I ask, sitting beside him on my bed, snagging one of his liquorice wands from his hand.

"Absolutely horrible! Did you head that that dam Potter boy is the new Gryffindor seeker? Not that I care of course because I hate him." Draco takes a big bite of his liquorice before he continues. "But if it wasn't for me taking Longbottom's Remembrall and then throwing it halfway across the quidditch training field then he never would have made the team." He finishes off his candy and swallows hard. "So really it's because of me that McGonagall put him on the team. But of course, he doesn't see that because he's too obsessed with the damn Weasley."

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