Part 2, Chapter 8- Lockhart's First Class

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When we get to Hogwarts we are all absolutely drained, I honestly don't even remember the sorting this year, besides Ginny getting into Gryffindor, which I totally saw happening and now Lee owes me a galleon.

"Do these Weasleys grow on trees? Every year there's a new one!" Clarissa says rather loudly a little further down the table from Walter, Emma, and I.

Emma, who has grown quite close to the twins in the past year or so looked at me with anger in her eyes. I shake my head no, it's the first day back, I really don't want to deal with a fight.

Dumbledore stands up and gives his yearly speech about the rules and things, ending with introducing our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Thank you, Dumbledore, and thank you, students! I look forward to meeting each and every one of you! Now, just because I am your teacher now, feel free to send me fan mail! I love all my fans regardless of age!" Lockhart says very boldly.

"Look at Professor Sprout's face, she looks so disgusted!" Walter whispers to us. Sure enough, Professor Sprout looks as if she's going to be sick every time Lockhart opens his mouth to say something.

"It's going to be an interesting year I'll tell you that one for free," I mumble back to him. I look around the room and nearly every girl is staring at Lockhart with love and admiration. Even... "Emma!" I wave my hand in front of her face to get her attention off of our new professor.

"What? Not all of us have a boyfriend to look at?" Emma huffs.

"What about your Frenchie?" Walter says, nudging her with his shoulder.

"He's not here! And thank you very much for reminding me." The rest of the feast was very uneventful. Neither Harry nor Ron showed up throughout the whole time which worried all of us quite a lot. Nevertheless, we all get up and follow the house Prefects to the common room. Once we are in, I go and grab my new kitten from my dorm and bring him out to sit with my friends and me by the fire.

"You got a cat? That's the cutest little thing I've ever seen!" Emma squeals when I sit on the couch beside her. She takes my cat out of my hands and squishes it close to her face.

"Aunt Narcissa got him for me cause Draco got a new broom. His name is Fergus." Fergus' ears twitch when I say his name which only makes Emma hold him closer to her.

"Broom or a cat? I'd rather have a broom." Walter says shrugging his shoulders.

"Are you mad? Look at him!" Emma shoves Fergus into his face.

It doesn't take very long before Draco finds us in the common room. By the look on his face, I figure he's got the latest gossip already. "Violet! Violet! Did you hear?" Draco comes over to us his friends Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy following close behind. "Harry bloody Potter and his pet weasel didn't even get on the train!"

"Oh really?" I say, instantly regretting playing into whatever he's going on about.

"He stole his stupid father's car that apparently FLIES and he and perfect Potter landed right into the whomping Willow!" Draco is nearly bouncing up and down with glee at this point.

"He's bound to be expelled this time!" Pansy shrieks from behind Draco.

I brush her off with my hand and she cowers back. "Are they okay? Wait, how do you even know these things?" I say to Draco.

"Snape caught them trying to sneak into the feast and dragged them to McGonagall's office! Who cares if they're okay or not! They're going to be expelled!" Draco insists. Clearly unhappy with my reaction, he turns around and goes over to a few empty couches nearby, his friends follow him like lost puppies.

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