Part 6, Chapter 13- Dumbledore

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"The time has come!" The Dark Lord shouts through the very crowded dining room. "Draco Malfoy has succeeded and there is now a perfect way from here to Hogwarts!"

The room breaks out into cheers. The Dark Lord sent me and my friends to Borgin and Burkes to get the other cabinet about a week ago to prepare for all this.

"Not everyone will be coming. You know who you are. I will be sending Violet LeStrange along first, she will cast the Dark Mark above the Astronomy tower to lure Dumbledore there. Draco will be waiting."

The crowd parts and I walk through to the smiling faces and make my way to the vanishing cabinet. I pray that Draco actually succeeded and I don't get lost in limbo like Graham did. I pull open the cabinet door and step inside. As soon as the door closes behind me everything goes dark. Nothing happens, but I can't hear the chattering of Death Eaters anymore.

I take a deep breath and push the cabinet door open again. I'm in a very cluttered room full of the strangest things I've ever seen. It doesn't take a genius to realize that I'm at Hogwarts. I take a breath and rush to the door. In the corridor, it takes me a minute to realize where I am. Seventh floor. I turn around to look at the door again but it's not there. Genius Draco, the room of requirement.

I hurry down the corridor and start up the ladder that leads into the Astronomy tower. I rush over to balcony, raise my wand into the air, and shout "MORSMORDRE!" The sky above me parts, green smoke shifts and gathers in different areas, forming the Dark Mark. I can hear muffled screams coming from below me so I can only assume that the Death Eaters are filing through the vanishing cabinet.

I watch in a sort of awe as the Death Eaters land on the Hogwarts grounds. They appear to be met by members of the Order. This isn't good at all. I look back up in the sky and there's a grey figure soaring towards me, Dumbledore.

I start down the spiral staircase but there's footsteps coming up. I manage to squeeze myself under the floorboards almost as not to be seen by anyone or anything.

"Go and wake Severus." I can hear Dumbledore say faintly, "Tell him what has happened and bring him to me. Do nothing else, speak to no one else and do not remove your cloak. I shall wait here."

"But-" A small voice says.

Dumbledore cuts the voice off, "You swore to obey me Harry- go!" I can hear footsteps that I assume belong to Harry as he rushes off to do what Dumbledore told him to do.

Footsteps start up the stairs, I can see a flash of bright white hair. Draco. Fuck. The door bursts open, "Expelliarmus!" Draco cries.

I start to un-bury myself from my hiding spot and slowly creep up the stairs so I can get a better look at what's going on.

"Good evening Draco." Dumbledore says casually.

Draco looks around the room, "Who else is here?" He spits.

"A question I might ask you. Or are you acting alone?"

Draco laughs a little, "No, I've got back-up. There are Death Eaters here in your school tonight."

"Well, well," Dumbledore says, "Very good indeed. You found a way to let them in did you?" He talks to Draco as if he's just said that he's gotten full marks on one of his compositions.

"Yeah." Draco says, his voice is shaky, I can tell he's trying his hardest not to cry, "Right under your nose and you never realized!"

"Ingenious. Yet forgive me... where are they now? You seem unsupported." Dumbledore says calmly.

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