Part 4, Chapter 40- Cedric Diggory

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"It's Harry! And Cedric!" Someone shouts. Everyone gets to their feet. Harry is draped over Cedric... Cedric isn't moving.

"no..." I whisper. I throw myself into George and bury my face into the nape of his neck. He grabs onto me and squeezes me hard.

"No Amos!" Molly says. I hear stomping behind me and I figure that Amos Diggory is fleeing down the stairs to be at his son's side.

"He's dead! He's dead! Cedric Diggory is dead!" A man's voice screeches from below. Everyone floods out of the stands and down to where the commotion is. Molly shoves past us and flies down the stairs, we all follow her.

Molly shoves her way to the front of the crowd that's gathered and shrieks. George, Fred, and I stand behind her.

"Oh my god..." Walter whispers. He's clutching onto Lee as tight as he can, Lee's face us buried in Walters shirt.

Sobs rack my body, everyone around us is crying, screaming. Cho... Cedric's date to the ball collapses and her friends try to get her to stand back up. Dumbledore pulls Harry off of Cedric's body, Mister Diggory throws himself on top of his son.

Professor Moody takes a hold of Harry and pulls him away from the scene. Molly and Ron go to follow but Bill holds them back. Girls are screaming. Every single Hufflepuff is holding onto each other crying violently.

Cedric. Fucking Cedric Diggory. One of the smartest, kindest, most compassionate wizard of our year, dead at my feet.

I turn away and push out of the crowd, George is yelling my name chasing after me. I don't stop running till I get to the edge of the forbidden forest. I put my hand on a tree and vomit. George comes up behind me. He pulls my hair away from my face and rubs my back slowly.

I wipe my mouth and turn to look at him. Tears are flooding down his face silently. "I just- I..."

I wipe his tears away with my thumb, "I know..." I say through tears of my own.

"He was good... He was..." George stumbles over his words.

I hug him tight to me and we stand like that for a very long time, clutching onto each other, sobbing into each others shoulders. It feels like we are there for hours. I cry till my eyes hurt, my brain is fuzzy.

George pulls away from me and looks into my face. He takes my hand and we walk back towards the castle. No one is around the pitch anymore.

As soon as we walk through the castle doors Molly throws herself on us and holds us close to her, "Where did you go? Are you alright? Violet... Georgie... I'm so sorry." Being held by Molly makes me cry all over again. I look past her and see Fred holding himself, Ginny is crying into Bills chest and Ron is no where to be seen.

I let go of Molly and go over to Fred, "come here." I whisper. I wrap my arms around Fred and he practically melts into me. George comes over and hugs the two of us. We're all sobbing, loud, ugly, sobs that rack our entire body.

I can feel Molly staring at us but I don't let go of the boys. "I was such a fucking asshole to him." George cries. Fred and I squeeze him tighter, "He did nothing to deserve that! He was just friendly. And I was such a fucking asshole." George cries louder, tears spill down his face and drip to the floor. People around us are crying, numb, muttering about nothing. Professor Sprout makes an announcement. Tells us to go back to our dorms for the night.

"Sixth years will be staying in the great hall tonight. We've set up cots for you all." Sprout says. Fred, George and I let go of each other and shuffle into the great hall along with the rest of our year.

There's about forty of us. Emma comes running into the room, tears spilling down her face. She looks over at us, sitting on a few cots we've gathered up in the corner. Fred, Lee, Walter, George, and I wave her over. 

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