Part 4, Chapter 15- Age lines

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Now normally on a Saturday, everyone eats breakfast late. But today is different. Emma wakes me up at seven in the morning and she and I head out to the entrance hall to see who will put their name in the goblet. I wrap my silk, black house robe around me tightly as we walk through the corridors.

"I wonder if Elliott will remember me," Emma says.

We turn out of the dungeons and instantly we can hear the chattering of students around the goblet. "Who the bloody hell is Elliott?" I say loudly

The boy from Beauxbaton that Emma pointed out last night turns from the goblet and looks over at us, "Zat would be moi, Elliott Martin." The boy says. Emma swats me and mumbles 'look what you've done now' under her breath.

"Violet LeStrange." I say putting my hand out towards him, "Welcome to Hogwarts." Elliott shakes my hand carefully, his other Beauxbaton friends are standing behind him watching this awkward encounter. "This is my friend..."

"Sacrebleu! Emma Fay is zat you?" Elliott pushes past me and stands in front of Emma, "I never would 'ave thought I'd see you again! You told me you go to 'Ogwarts but I..."

Emma smiles and brushes her hair behind her ear. "It's good to see you Elliott." Emma and Elliot walk away from the goblet to catch up on life. I sit down beside Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"How many people have put their names in?" I ask looking at the trio.

"All the Durmstrang folks so far, and a few Beauxbatons. No one from Hogwarts yet. Speaking of Hogwarts, you are aware that your idiot boyfriend is going to try and put his name in right?" Hermione says to me.

"Course I know. He hasn't shut up about it." Almost as if he knew we were talking about him. Fred, George, and Lee come racing down the stairs smiling from ear to ear.

"We've done it boys, fixed it up this morning!" Fred says happily. A few Hogwarts students cheer and clap along with their excitement.

"Violet kiss me." George says. He plops down on the bench beside me and kisses me hard and quick, "Do I feel any older to you?" He smirks.

"Mmhmm I don't think so, best we try again." I say. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him towards me for another kiss, this one longer and more passionate.

"Ugh gross." Ron says behind us. George pulls away, looks at me, pecks my lips again and stands up and goes over to Fred.

"What have you done exactly?" Ron asks his brothers.

"An ageing potion dumbass." Fred says to him

"One drop each, we only have to be a few month older." George says. He rubs his hands together and winks at me.

"It's not going to work you know. I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this." Hermione says rolling her eyes.

"If it works then great, if not... I want to see what happens." I say to her.

Fred pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket, "Ready? Come on then, I'll go first." Fred walks up to the line, everyone watching in a mixture of hope and horror. Fred steps over the line and George hollers. He jumps over the line too.

"Holy shit." Ron says watching his brothers in awe.

"I can't believe that worked..." Lee says.


Both twins are thrown out of the circle in a shower of golden light. They land in a heap ten feet away absolutely dumbfounded. Lee looks at me and we both start howling with laughter. A loud popping noise rings throughout the entrance hall. We all look over at the twins who have lost their red hair and now have grey hair, to match their grey beards. Wrinkles are covering their faces.

"I'm gonna piss myself." Lee says scream laughing. Lee holds onto the wall for support. I wipe tears our of my eye from laughing so hard.

Fred and George stand up and look at each other, "You don't age very gracefully do you Fred?" George says stroking his beard. I snort and laugh even harder than I was.

George comes over to me, "Give some sugar to granddad Violet." He says. He puts his hands out for a hug and dramatically puckers up his lips.

"Oh my god no!" I scream. I get up from my seat and put Lee in between George and I which doesn't to much because he's doubled over in laughter.

"I did warn you." A deep, very amused voice comes from behind us, we turn around and see Dumbledore standing there looking at us all with a twinkle in his eye. "I suggest you two both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mister Summers of Hufflepuff both of whom decided to age themselves up a bit as well. Though I must say, neither of them have beards quite as good as yours."

George takes my hand and we head up the stairs to the hospital wing. Draco was allowed to leave the hospital for dinner last night but he was brought right back into Madam Pomfrey's hospital at night.

Lee goes to make fun of George and Fred more while I go and sit beside Draco's bed. "How you feeling hot shot?" I ask him.

Draco smiles and looks at me, "It's been good yeah. Hey, did you leave me that last night?" He nods at the chocolate frog and the box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans on the table beside him.

I pick up the candies and look at the packaging, half expecting a note or something attached to them, "No, I haven't brought any candy with me, and we haven't been to Hogsmeade yet."

Draco takes the candy out of my hand and pulls open the chocolate frog. He breaks it in half and gives me a piece. "Well doesn't your boyfriend have that map with all the passages you told me about last summer?"

I bite into the chocolate, "No he doesn't have that anymore..." My mind wanders, the twins gave the Marauders map to Harry Potter last year... but Harry couldn't have left these for Draco... unless he did?

Draco waves his hand in front of my face, "Violet? Did you even hear a word I just said?"

I blink a few times and look at him, "No not at all, what did you say?"

Draco rolls his eyes, "I said, who has the map now then?"

"I dunno..."


Draco and I look at each other for a long time, "Fine. I'll figure it out myself then." I hear a loud crash and Lee shriek with laughter. "Who the hell was that?"

I laugh and pop a jelly bean into my mouth... rotten milk, lovely. I spit it out in a tissue and Draco gags. He's got a thing about vomit. "It was Fred, George, and Lee. Fred and George thought they could trick Dumbledore's age line and get their names in the goblet."


"I know."

I stay with Draco for the rest of the day. Madam Pomfrey says that he should be fine to go back into the general population of the school as long as I look out for any signs that his brain is damaged. By the time the dinner bell rings I'm squished into the same bed as Draco and we are talking about whether or not nose biting tea cups are a worthwhile invention or not.

"Vi? Dinners on, you coming or...?" Lee says as he comes over to the bed that Draco and I are on.

I sit up and look at him, "Yeah definitely. I have to make sure this blithering idiot gets down the stairs alright first so I'll see you lot later." Lee nods and goes back to the twins who are now back to their red headed, beardless selves. I hit Draco's stomach with my palm and he groans, "Get up, I'm starving."

I hop off the bed and extend my hand for Draco to take. He swats it away and stands up by himself. He grabs all the garbage from the candies we've been eating and tosses them into the fire place before we head out of the hospital wing together.

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