Part 6, Chapter 14- The Aftermath

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"Draco come on, we have to go," I say pulling on his arm a little.

Draco is now completely sobbing, full mental breakdown. The other Death Eaters have all left, Snape included.

Draco nods and he lets me pull him down the stairs and out into the corridor. We sprint down the corridor, past Neville who is trying his best to fight off a Death Eater. I can hear McGonagall shout but I don't turn back. I tighten my grip on Draco's hand to make sure he's still with me.

I pull Draco out into the castle grounds, my eyes set on Hogsmeade. We get there, I can get a room at Hogshead and we can camp out. No one asks questions at Hogshead. I don't stop running despite the screams coming from behind us. Hagrid's hut erupts into flames.

"Violet, we've got to get back home!" Draco says out of breath.

I ignore him and push open the gate that separates Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. I pull him into the shadows and sit him down on a rock, "Here wait." I say trying to catch my breath. I take out my coin purse that I bewitched to carry pretty much anything and everything. I reach all the way in and pull out some spare trousers and sweater that I had and throw them at Draco. "Get changed, we can't have you in your Hogwarts things."

"Violet... the Dark Lord will be looking for us." Draco says as he pulls the sweater on over his head.

"And we will deal with that at a later date." I pull out my green velvet cloak and swing it round my shoulders. I do up the silver claps that's under my chin and pull the hood up around my face.

Draco hands me his Hogwarts uniform and I shove it in my purse and pull out a matching cloak for him to wear. Once he's settled I take his hand again and pull him through the empty streets of Hogsmeade.

"Sorry sir, we need a room for the night." I say to the barkeep.

The old, scruffy looking man looks at me, "Just one room?"

"Did I stutter?" I snap at him.

The barkeep raises his eyebrows but doesn't say anything else to me, "Three galleons a night."

I pull five galleons out and put them on the bar, "You never saw us here." I say to him.

He pulls a rusty old key out from a drawer under the bar and slides it over to me, "Room eight on the third floor."

I take the key in one hand and take Draco's hand in the other. I pull Draco up the stairs and to the room that we have the key for. I sort of push him in the door and close and lock the door behind me before setting up extra protective measures around the whole room.

Draco takes the cloak off him and puts it over the back of a chair, "So what's the plan now Violet? We're just going to stay here forever?"

I roll my eyes and take my cloak off as well, "No. We stay here tonight, let whatever's going on at Hogwarts die down a bit, then we go back home."

"Go back home? Are you mental? I didn't kill Dumbledore and he probably knows it!" Draco cries.

"Dumbledore is dead. You were in the room when it happens, that's all that matters. Snape made the unbreakable vow so he was going to have to do it anyways if you couldn't." I say to him.

"Well what if you just did it despite him?" Draco asks me, "Which by the way was a shit stupid thing to do."

"Guess he would have died? I dunno dude. Not really our problem anymore though is it?"

Draco looks at me in shock, "Not our problem anymore! Dumbledore is dead Violet! And all we are doing is hiding out in a fucking Inn!"

"Language Draco." I snap at him. "Get to bed. We've got to get up early tomorrow."

I go over to the bed and crawl under the sheets. Draco huffs then crawls into bed on the other side, "Thank you." He whispers.

I roll over so we are facing each other, "For what?"

"For being there, volunteering to do it for me. For everything you've said and done this year. I dunno what would have happened if you weren't there."

I smile at him, "You'd probably be dead right now."

The next morning Draco and I put the cloaks back on and head out of our room. We go down to the bar and give the barman the key back. "Have you heard? Dumbledore is dead." Someone says behind us.

"Funerals in three days. At Hogwarts." Suppose nearly the entire wizarding population will show up." Another voice says.

I take Draco's hand and we walk out of the Inn and towards the shrieking shack. No one is out this early in the morning. Once we are far away from the town I apparate Draco and I back to the Manor.

Unlucky for us, aunt Narcissa was sitting on my bed when we landed in my room. "Where have you two been!" She says loudly. I don't think I've ever heard her yell before.

"Draco was hit by a jinx last night, he couldn't move for hours. We spent the night tucked away in the Forbidden forest." I say quickly.

Aunt Narcissa looks between Draco and I but she doesn't say anything. It's hard to tell if she is pleased with that excuse or not, "The Dark Lord wants to see you downstairs Draco. Violet you can come if you want." She gestures for Draco to follow her and slowly walks out of my room.

"You're coming right?" Draco says to me quietly.

I nod a couple times, "Yeah course I'm coming." He smiles a little and heads out of my room. I follow close behind him.

We walk into the dining room and everyone starts clapping. Death Eaters part so that there is a clear cut path to the Dark Lord and my mother.

"Well done Draco!" The Dark Lord says once everyone stops clapping. "You got my army into the most secured place in the wizarding world." There is another round of applause but the Dark Lord raises his hand to silence them all, "And you are so very close to bringing pride back to the Malfoy name."

Draco bows his head, "Thank you my Lord." Draco says in a soft voice.

"And now! The real work can begin! With Dumbledore out of the way we can now focus back onto our initial target. Harry Potter."

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