Part 5, Chapter 25- Detentions but make it Umbridge Style

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After dinner, that day George, Lee, and I head to Umbridge's office to serve our detentions.

"What did you do to get yourself roped up in this?" I ask Lee.

George and Lee start laughing, "Well you know Umbridge's new 'Educational Decree' about how teachers can't say anything that's not related to their subject?" Lee says with a big smile.

"Yeah, its lead to a lot more teachers whispering about me in the corridors," I say glumly.

George puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way as Lee continues to tell his story, "Well I pointed out that with her new decree, she can't tell Fred and George off for playing Exploding Snap in the back of her class unless she adds it to the curriculum."

"When did you even say this? You're not even in NEWT Dark Arts." I ask him.

George and Lee start laughing again, "She overheard me in the corridor after class one day. You know the time when you ran into the library without even saying a hello? You missed a fantastic joke."

"Well next time I see you waiting in the corridor after class I promise to say hello," I say to Lee with a smile on my face.

"That's all I'm asking."

When we get to Umbridge's office George wraps his knuckles on the door. We can hear her go 'hem hem' from inside and George takes that as an invitation to come inside.

"Miss LeStrange, Mister Weasley, Mister Jordan. Please take a seat." Umbridge says from her desk. She's got three small desks set up in a row in front of her.

We all look at each other and take a seat, "What will we be doing?" George says looking around the awfully decorated room. Plates with cats on them are lining the very pink walls. She's got a teapot shaped like a cat on her desk along with a few pink cups.

"You three will be writing lines for me this evening." She stands up from her desk and circles around to us. She puts a slip of parchment on each of our desks along with a quill that's got an extravagant pink feather on it. "Mister Jordan, I want you two to write 'I must not talk back' whereas Miss LeStrange and Mister Weasley I want you to write 'Violence is not an answer' hem hem."

"And our ink is..." George says looking at the woman.

Umbridge smiles, her teeth are almost creepily straight and even which puts me off, "You won't be needing any ink. I'll tell you when you need to stop."

She circles back around her desk and sits down, we all look at each other, none of us picking up the quill. 'hem hem' Umbridge makes that damn noise again and we all start writing.

Violence is not an answer

Violence is not an answer

Violence is...

My left hand, the one I'm not writing with lights up with pain as if someone is carving into me like they do a turkey on Christmas. I don't make a noise though, I wince and contort my face but I don't make a single noise. Can't say the same for George though. He yelps in pain as soon as it starts on his hand. Lee yelps a few seconds after. We all look up at Umbridge and she smiles at us, sipping tea out of her fucking pink cup.

"Continue." She says with her eyes wide and her lips puckered like she's tasted something sour.

I hesitate before I pick my quill back up, small trickles of blood are coming from my hand and pooling on the desk.

Violence is not an answer

Violence is not an answer

With each line I write the cuts on my hand get deeper and deeper, hurting more and more as I go. But I don't give her the satisfaction of my pain. I don't make a single noise. Lee and George are both breathing rather heavily.

"That's enough for today. Mister Jordan, I hope this has taught you your lesson. Miss LeStrange, Mister Weasley, I will see you tomorrow evening." Umbridge says, her voice is suddenly far more annoying than it was a few minutes ago.

George, Lee, and I all get up from our seats, our hands dripping blood on her pink carpet. We don't say anything till we leave the room and the door closes behind us.

"What the bloody hell was that!" Lee roars. He's cradling his hand to his chest carefully getting blood all over his shirt.

"Are you alright Violet?" George asks, he takes my injured hand and inspects the wound. "Hers is really deep," He says to Lee, "We should get you to the hospital wing."

"I'm alright G. Nothing a ripped up tee shirt can't fix," I say smiling at him.

I can tell that George is hesitant but he doesn't say anything around Lee. We walk out of the corridor and into the staircase. "I'm going to walk Vi back to her common room. I'll see you later Lee." George says to Lee.

Lee nods and heads out towards the Gryffindor common room. George looks at me, "Alright let's go to the hospital wing."

"George I'm fine. I don't have to go." I say to him

George rolls his eyes, "A few more lines and you'd be carving words into your bones, Violet." He says in a very annoyed tone.

"And I'll wrap it up and put some... something that will heal wounds on it myself," I say back to him.

"Some something? Right yeah, you're totally equipped to take care of that yourself."

We start down the stairs bickering, both of us holding our injured hands to our chests. "It'll be fine G, Emma's always got some plant growing in our dorm I'm sure that she knows what will help."

"Or you could just not risk it and not destroy a shirt of your-"

"I can't wear half the shirts I own now anyways, they're all short sleeve. Thank you for worrying about me and I love you very much but I'm serious, I'll be fine."

"Don't come crawling to me when your hand falls off cause it's gotten infected." George sings. I turn to look at him when we hit the bottom of the stairs and he pecks my lips softly, "Though you would look pretty hot with one hand."

"Me with a hook hand? You're into some shit G."

"Don't knock it till you try it, baby."

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