Part 4, Chapter 44- The Dark Lord is Sitting On My Couch

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The ride home was silent and long, but not as long as I wish it was. When we get to the Malfoy Manor, our house elf Norby comes running up and grabs our trunks. Draco and I walk hand in hand down the pathway and into the front door. There's loud voices coming from the formal dining room. Draco and I walk down the hall and stand in the doorway.

Aunt Narcissa looks up at us from the couch, "Draco, Violet. It's so nice to have you home again." She says softly. But she's not who I'm looking at. The room is full of people, faces I recognize from the riot, the parents of people I go to school with. But those aren't the people I'm looking at either. In the big chair on the right side of the room... A man with grey skin and a bald head is sitting with his back turned to us.

Slowly, he turns around to see what all the commotion is about. He's snake-like in appearance, his nose is nearly flat on his face, his eyes dark. "Ah..." he says in an almost fragile sounding voice, "You must be Violet." He stands from the chair and everyone shifts so he can pass by them without bumping into anyone or anything. "I've heard stories... Your aunt and uncle speak highly of you..." He says. His voice is oily, thick. Everyone in the room seems to be hanging onto his every word.

I look past the man and to my uncle. He stands and comes over to us. "Draco go off to your room please." He says sternly. Draco lets go of my hand and runs as fast as he can up the stairs. Uncle Lucius turns to me, "The time has come Violet. The Dark Lord has requested that you get your Dark Mark. Now."

I look from uncle Lucius to the snake like man. As soon as I saw him I knew who it was but it was like my brain wouldn't register it. The Dark Lord smiles. Well not really smiles, more just has a little facial spasm.

"Come now Violet... Violet LeStrange." The Dark Lord puts his cold gray hand on my shoulder and guides me into the middle of the room.

I can't speak, it's like I'm watching the entire scenario from above, I'm no longer in my own body. The Dark Lord stands in front of me and does another one of those facial spasm things that now I know is him trying to smile. His mouth moves but I can't hear the words. My mind is shutting down out of pure fear.

"Violet?" Aunt Narcissa comes up beside me and puts her hand on my back. "Violet dear do as the Dark Lord says."

I blink a few times, "Sorry my Lord..." I give him my wand arm. He pulls my sleeve up, exposing my skin.

The Dark Lord puts his wand in the air and dramatically brings it down onto my skin, shoving it right into my arm, literally, it pierces the skin.

He says something that I don't bother listening to. All I can feel is the searing pain in my arm. I want to cry, I want to scream, to Apparirate out of here and appear in the Burrow. The pain travels up my arm and into my chest. But I don't think about it. All I think of is George, I can practically feel his arms around me, his breath on my neck.

The room fills with applause, but its definitely not cheery, more solemn, understanding, almost sad. I jolt forward a bit, like my soul just decided to jump back into my body.

"Welcome my child. To my army." The Dark Lord says. I can tell he's trying to make it sound happy and welcoming but its terrifying.

I look over my shoulder at Aunt Narcissa, she's got tears in her eyes but I can't tell if they're happy or not. I look over at my uncle Lucius who nods at me. Finally, I look down to my arm. There it is, in jet black ink. The dark mark. It's red around the edges and it's still sore, but its there. The jaw of the skull is open, a snake slithering through it. The snake forms an eight underneath the skull. I look up into the Dark Lords eyes, he's waiting for a response. I take a deep breath and bow my head.

"Thank you my Lord."

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