Part 5, Chapter 10- Fred still can't seem to admit his feelings

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The next morning Emma wakes me up by throwing her pillow at me, "Come on let's go."

I get out of bed and flick my hand at my bed and the sheets straighten themselves out. I grab my Charms textbook, some parchment, and a few new quills and put it all into my school bag. I get changed into my school robes and make sure that my Mark is fully covered before I start doing my hair.

"I wonder if foundation would cover it..." Emma says. I turn to look at her my hands still fiddling with my hair, "The Dark Mark I mean. If it can cover my pimples I'm sure it can cover it."

I shove my wand in the bun I've just made on the top of my head and look at her. "I dunno. The Dark Lord might... know that your trying to cover it? I dunno how it works but I bet that he's got some sort of tracking thing in it."

Emma looks at it once more before she pulls her sleeve down and shrugs. We pick up our bookbags at the same time and head out of the dorm and out into the corridor that connects the dorms to the common room. Draco is sitting in one of the big armchairs just staring into the green flames in the fireplace.

"Hey... everything alright here?" I say coming up to him.

Draco shakes himself out of whatever he was thinking about, "Oh? Yeah no, I'm alright." I look over my shoulder at Emma and she takes the hint.

"I'm pretty sure Walter is already out in the great hall so I'm going to meet him. I'll save you a seat Vi." I wait for her to leave the common room before I do anything else.

I drop my book bag to the floor and sit on the coffee table so I'm right in front of Draco, knee's touching. "Spill. And don't give me any of that 'oh I'm alright' crap."

Draco groans and leans back into the chair, "It's nothing bad or anything... It's just... well, I saw Harry yesterday."

I smile a bit, "Yeah that tends to happen when you go to school with someone, you see them in the halls."

"Well I didn't like seeing him... only I sort of did... is it normal to get a sick kind of feeling in your stomach when you see someone you fancy after a long time of not seeing them" He looks up at me with wide, curious eyes that makes my heart melt.

"Yeah, that's pretty normal," I say smiling.

"It sucks."

That makes me laugh, "It really does doesn't it?"

"How do you make it stop? I don't want to feel like this anymore."

I tickle his knee a bit, "I don't think you can make it stop Dray, not really. It takes time to get over a crush."

Draco leans back into his chair and covers his face with his hands, "Well how did you make it stop when you liked George?"

"I kissed him."

Draco takes his hands off his face, "Oh yeah totally. Let me just go up to Harry fucking Potter..."

"Language Draco..."

"And just shove my tongue down his throat in front of everyone? That would help my situation. You should start selling your advice it's really fantastic." Draco says, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Well I wouldn't go right into shoving things down throats but maybe you could have a conversation with him in private? Or you know, we used to have little study parties, everyone in our year met up in an empty classroom to study for our OWLs. You could organize a few of those, spend time with Harry in an informal setting."

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