Part 4, Chapter 33- Sirius Black

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The next day we all wake up earlier than we would have wanted to go to Hogsmeade. I think that Emma and Fred spoke after I talked to him yesterday because the two seem a lot less awkward around each other.

"Your brothers found a stray dog to love," Emma says nodding over at Ron, Hermione, and Harry. The three of them are following behind a rather large black dog.

Fred and George aren't phased by it but something doesn't sit right with me. I shake it off and follow my friends down the snowy road. None of us have any money to spend so we plan on just walking aimlessly all day talking about life and things.

It's a few hours till we see Ron, Harry, and Hermione walk past us again, the dog that they were following is sitting on the outskirts of the shops. I look at it and it looks at me.

"I'm going to be right back darling," I say to George. I peck him on the cheek and disappear into the crowd before he could say anything else.

I squeeze past a group of giggling Beauxbaton students and walk towards where I saw the dog sitting. When I get there, of course, the dog has disappeared. Thankfully for me though there's still snow on the ground and I follow the tracks that it's left. I follow the trail to the rocky base of a mountain. The tracks head into a small hole that you can only really see if you're looking for it.

I take a really deep breath to calm my nerves and squeeze inside. There, sitting in the middle of the cave, on a pile of old newspapers is not a dog. But a very skinny man with long matted hair.

"Bellatrix?" The man whispers.

My heart is beating a mile a minute, I should not have come here. "How do you know my mother?" I say quietly.

The man slowly stands up from his spot on the floor and takes a step closer to me, "Your mother...?" The man looks just as confused and scared as I am. "I didn't know that Bellatrix had a daughter."

"How do you know my mother." I ask again. I say it more confidently than before.

The man just stares at me, "I'm her cousin." He says finally.

My heart starts to beat faster again, "You're not... you're Sirius Black?"

The man smirks and bows really low to the ground with his arms spread wide, "In the flesh." He straightens his back the best he can in the small cave, "Who are you?"

"Violet LeStrange. Daughter of Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus LeStrange." I say. I put my hand out for a handshake. Sirius hesitates before shaking my hand a few times.

He looks at me for a long while then he blinks a few times, "Sorry, you just look so much like your mother. Her and I were very close when we were kids. She was like the sister I never had."

"Sounds a lot like Draco and I." I tell him, "My aunt Narcissa and her husband, my Uncle Lucius took me in once my parents were sent to Azkaban."

Sirius flinches at the word Azkaban. "Oh I'm sorry I totally forgot, you were in there for a long time. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I say.

Sirius smiles, "You even sort of sound like her... before she got involved with Voldemort."

"I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or not." I say with a light laugh.

Sirius smiles and laughs himself, "Bellatrix was a sweet girl when we were all growing up together, but she dealt with the Black family pressure differently than I did... clearly."

"She became the Dark Lords right hand woman and put him before her own child, while you were burnt out of the family tree and lived a very happy life from what I've heard."

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