Part 7, Chapter 3- Wedding Crashers

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For the next couple of days, all we did was talk about the ministry. It was getting to the point where all I thought about was the damned minister and just getting it over and done with. Killing the bastard.

Like right now, we are all waiting in the dining room for Yaxley to come back and tell us that it worked that the minister is dead. Well, Draco is sitting around the table waiting for the news. I'm stationed outside of the dining room in the small hall between the dining room and the kitchen. I've got one of the twin's extendable ears slithered through the door so I can listen in. I know that if the ministry falls, if the minister dies, they will go to the Burrow immediately and I can't take that chance. I can't lose George.

I can't think clearly, all I can picture is George covered in blood on his own couch. I never want to see him like that ever again. I can never let him look like that ever again.

There's a crack, applause, I listen carefully, "It is done, my Lord. The ministry is ours."


I'm at the Burrow, people everywhere. There's a massive white tent set up and music blaring. I push my way through the crowd, panicky, stressed.

"Violet?" Fred comes over to me, "Violet, you can't be here. George'll see you." He says looking at me.

"No that's not... the ministry has fallen, Scrimgeour is dead, they're coming," I say fast. A few people around us look over.

"The what? What are you talking about? Who's coming?" Fred asks a million questions but I don't have time. We don't have time.

I push Fred out of the way and stand on the table that's closest to me. I spot George in the crowd dancing very close to a very attractive girl that is no doubt related to Fleur. "HEY!" I scream. The music stops, everyone looks at me. George looks like someone just kicked him in the groin, "The Ministry has fallen," I shout, "Scrimgeour is dead, They're coming."

The crowd erupts into panic, screams, people running every which way, apparating away as fast as they could.

I hop down from the table and Fred is there to catch me, "Don't let anything happen to him. Don't anything happen to you." I say panicky.

Fred nods, "Course yeah. Are you going to be alright?" I can barely hear him over the screams of people around us.

"Violet!" George shoves his way over to us, knocking down a little kid in the process.

I throw my arms around George and hug him quickly, "You've got to get out, take care of each other." George looks at me with eyes full of fear. "Kiss me," I say to him.

"What? You said..."

I cut him off, "I know what I said, but the world is ending and we both might die, or never see each other again, or one of us will lose another fucking ear or a leg and I'm fucking in love with you so kiss me!" I practically shout.

George wastes no more time, he pulls me in by my waist and kisses me with so much passion, love, fear, desperation almost.

There's a loud crash behind us and I know that the Death Eaters are here now, I pull away from him, "I love you." I whisper before I run into the mess that was once Bill and Fleur's wedding.

Ginny is fighting off a Death Eater, I pull out my wand and send him soaring backwards, "Ginny, get the fuck out of here!" I shout. I pull her to her feet and she goes running over to Fred and George, I glance over and the three of them aren't there anymore so I assume that they've apparated away.

I look around the room wildly, Molly and Arthur are standing back to back fighting off a few Death Eaters. I stun one of the Death Eaters without drawing attention to myself, the other two Death Eaters look around for who did that which gives Molly and Arthur enough time to get the upper hand and attack the two.

I shoot a few things out of my wand that are essentially harmless so that it looks like I'm participating in the raid but I make sure to always have my eye out for people that I love. Then I apparate away, back to the Manor, into the dining room.

Draco is standing over a man, he's screaming, practically slithering around on the ground in front of Draco, "You called me back for this? To tell me that Harry Potter's escaped again?" The Dark Lord snaps, nothing about his voice is carefree anymore. "Draco, give Rowle another taste of our displeasure... do it or feel my wrath yourself!"

My wand is still clutched firmly in my hand, I'll kill the Dark Lord myself if he even considers pointing his wand at Draco.

Draco takes a shaky breath and tightens his grip on his wand, "CRUCIO" He shouts. The curse hits the man... Rowle... and he screams and thrashes on the ground again.

"Again." The Dark Lord shouts.




Draco is panting, staring down at Rowle. I step out of the darkness that's around the room, "My Lord... were we successful?" I say knowing full well that I was the reason it didn't work.

The Dark Lord turns towards me angrily, but when he sees who it is he softens just a bit, "No, we were not successful. That damned child managed to escape."

"I am sorry my Lord. All that hard work for nothing." I try my hardest not to smile, pulling a rather sad face in my opinion. Draco looks over at me then back down a Rowle.

"Draco, you've done well. Head off with Violet."

Draco comes practically running over to me and we leave the dining room and head upstairs together. Once my door is locked with charms and the sound sealing charm is in full effect I look at Draco.

"You alright?" I ask him.

Draco scoffs and looks away from me, "No."

"Yeah... me neither."

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