Part 6, Chapter 3- Millenium Bridge

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It's been about a week or so since I broke up with George. It's hard to keep track of time and days recently. Every day I go to long Death Eater meetings, listening to ideas, helping with the plans to take down the Order and muggles in general. Then after the meetings are done Draco and I meet with my mother for Occlumency lessons which are tiresome and very painful. But my mother insists that it is a skill that every Death Eater needs to learn. Then finally, Draco and I tend to lock ourselves in my room and play exploding snap, or gobstones, or I help him go through my notes from sixth year to help him with his NEWT levels.

"Are you going to come with me to Diagon Alley when I have to get my school stuff this year?" Draco asks me as he sits on my floor and sorts through my old notes.

I'm lying on my bed reading a book when he asks, I look down at him, "Dunno dude. I mean if you want me to come then yeah I will."

Draco keeps sorting through my notes, "I'm planning on picking up a skiving snack box when I'm out. Do you know anywhere I could find one of those?" He doesn't look up at me when he asks.

"Draco... You know I can't go in there." I say to him.

"I know that you can't be seen fraternizing with the Order. But if it's just a store, that he happens to be at... it wouldn't be so bad if you just said goodbye would it?" Draco looks up at me with a small smile on his face, "Course I don't want you to go, given their nasty, dirty, blood traitors and everything."

I toss the pillow I've been using to prop myself up at him, "At least I'm not the one in love with a half-blood. What would your parents think?"

Draco stops what he's doing and stares at me, "I am not in love with him!" He says sternly.

I put my hands up in the air and bow my head, "Oh no course you're not, you've just been talking about him for years."

Draco throws the pillow back and me and we both laugh, there's a knock on my door and instantly our little bubble pop. I sit up in bed and wave my hand in the air to get rid of the sound sealing charm, "Come in!"

Aunt Narcissa comes into the room and closes the door behind her, "Violet, they need you downstairs. A group of Death Eaters are leaving for the muggle world and the Dark Lord wants you apart of it."

I swing my legs off my bed and sit there looking at her, "Alright. I'll get dressed and be right down."

Aunt Narcissa nods. She looks at Draco sadly but he doesn't look up at her. She sighs and heads back out of the room. I get up from my bed and walk into my closet. "You've got to at least talk to her Draco," I say referencing his now very rocky relationship with his mother.

"Alright. I'll talk to my mother when you talk to yours." Draco snaps.

I peer out of my closet at Draco. He's stopped looking through scrolls of parchment and is now just lying face down on my floor. "That's different," I grumble. I put on a grey cashmere sweater and some black jeans and walk out of my closet.

"Oh yeah? How is it different. Please elaborate."

I pull a pair of black boots out from under my bed and put them on, "It's just... yeah alright it's the exact same." I brush the cat hair off of my pants and look at Draco. "You can stay in here if you want. I'll probably be back in a couple of hours."

"Unless you die," Draco says sitting back up.

"I'm not going to die."

"You could."

Draco and I look at each other, "I'll be back soon." I ruffle the hair on the top of his head before I leave my room. As soon as I do I can hear what sounds like hundreds of excited voices. I walk down the staircase, through the foyer, through the kitchen where Norby is panicking and into the dining room.

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