Part 7, Chapter 6- Harry, Ron, and Hermione

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Christmas came and went. Draco stayed at Hogwarts, mostly because I told him to. But his parents forced him to come back during Easter holidays.

"How is it? At Hogwarts?" I ask him as we are reading together in the library.

Draco looks up at his book for a moment, "Awful, dark. Snape makes a horrible headmaster." He whispers.

I look back at my book and flip a few pages, "But you're safe right? No one's hurt you or anything?"

Before he could answer there was a loud crash outside the door and heavy footsteps. Draco and I look at each other before getting up and walking out of the library. Fenrir Greyback, along with a few other Death Eaters are dragging a line of people behind him. I recognize most of them immediately, Dean Thomas, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley... and a very swollen faced looking boy that has to be Harry Potter.

I glance over at Draco and he looks like he's about to be sick. "Violet, Draco. Come here please." My aunt calls out. We walk into the living room, past the wall of portraits.

Uncle Lucius stands from his chair and looks at my aunt, "What's this?" He says looking at Greyback and the others.

"They say they've got Potter. Violet, Draco, come here and look for yourself." Aunt Narcissa beckons us forward and we both take careful steps closer to Greyback and the others.

"I can't be sure Aunt Narcissa, I barely saw the boy at school," I say with an air of annoyance. As if the idea of being asked to identify him is pissing me off.

Aunt Narcissa studies me closely then rolls her eyes, "Fine then, Draco come here."

Draco steps forward and stands in between his parents, "Well Draco?" Uncle Lucius snaps.

I make eye contact with Hermione and Ron and nod once, just slightly so no one else notices. I trust Draco to do the right thing. He's got to do the right thing. "I can't – I can't be sure," Draco says nervously. I don't like him standing so close to Greyback. I don't like any of them standing so close to Greyback. If something happened to any of them I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"Look carefully!" Uncle Lucius snaps, "Come closer son." Uncle Lucius claps his hand on the back of Draco's neck and forces him to come close to Harry's face. "Draco, if we are the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiv-"

"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope Mister Malfoy? Cause if we do..." Greyback focuses his eyes on me and licks his lips, it sends shivers down my spine, "I can always make arrangements to help you remember."

Uncle Lucius looks at Greyback, but Greyback's eyes are fixated on me with such focus that it feels he can see right through me. "Of course not, of course not!" Uncle Lucius looks back at Draco who looks very uncomfortable with everything going on. Ron has been staring at me from behind Greyback, begging with his eyes for me to do something. But I can't, if I do something we will all be killed.

"What did you do to him?" Uncle Lucius asks Greyback, "How did he get into this state?"

"That wasn't us." Greyback snaps

"Looks more like a Stinging jinx to me." Uncle Lucius moves forward a bit, "There's something there." He whispers, "It could be the scar, stretched tightly... Draco come here, look properly. What do you think?"

Draco, with the help of his father, steps forward, his nose nearly touching Harry's swollen face, "I don't know." Draco says matter of factly even though the two of us know exactly what he's doing.

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