Part 4, Chapter 39- The Final Task

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I go over and sit with Emma and Walter. Emma's stabbing her chicken with her fork very aggressively.

"Hey..." I say to her but Walter shakes his head no and gives me a look that reads 'don't poke the beast.'

Emma slams her fork down on the table, "His friend! His very good friend! And when I asked him about it he said its because we aren't technically dating!" Emma shoves her plate away from her and Walter stops it from going right off the table on the other side.

"Molly seems to like you though," I say to her trying to help the situation a little.

Emma groans and hits her head on the table, "But as his friend! Not as his girlfriend! She doesn't like me the way she likes you." She turns to Walter, "You should have seen it, Mrs. Weasley treats Violet like one of her own children."

Walter smiles at me, "That's sweet."

Emma groans, "Sweet? It's perfect! And Fred introduces me as his good friend? What am I? Lee? Walter?" She makes a noise that I never heard her make before which makes me laugh a little.

"Come sit with us during the third task. You can talk to Molly and ger to know her and by the time Fred is ready to introduce you as his girlfriend..."

Emma cuts me off, "I'm not going to the third task. I'm going to stay in our dorm, listen to loud music, start packing some of my things and cry a bunch. I don't want to look at another Weasley right now..." She looks across the table and her eyes land on Fred, "... no matter how cute they are." She says quietly.

Walter nudges me and I look over at the staff table, Dumbledore is now standing. The room falls quiet, "Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to start making your way down to the quidditch pitch for the third and last task of the Triwizard tournament. Will the champions please follow Mister Bagman through the back room."

Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor all stand and the room breaks into applause. Once they've disappeared into the back room the rest of us head out of the great hall and towards the front door. I stop and pull Emma to the side before the Weasley clan is out of the great hall.

"If you change your mind Em, we'll be down by the pitch..." I say to her. Emma smiles a bit, "I hope you change your mind."

Emma turns and walks into the dungeons as soon as the Weasleys come over. "...where she going?" Fred asks me, watching Emma walk down the hall.

"She's not coming to watch the task. She want's to get a head start on packing her things." George wraps himself around me from behind and kisses my ear lobe which makes me smile.

We start to walk down to the pitch, the Weasleys plus Hermione and myself. Fred, George, and I are walking behind the rest of them.

"She's mad at me isn't she? She stormed off when we were walking the grounds and I went after her but I couldn't figure out where she went." Fred says trying to explain the situation.

"She's annoyed that you didn't introduce her as a girlfriend." I explain to him.

Freds jaw drops open but he quickly fixes it, "I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready to have my mum all up in my business like she is with George. No offense G."

George laughs, "None taken."

"Emma knows that I don't want my family all in my business. I'm not ready for that. I have joke shop things to deal with, and school, and exams were awful for me so I'm still stressing out about that and if I get bad grades then mums going to flip a table... and"

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