Part 8, Chapter 7- Christmas

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George wakes me up at six in the morning on Christmas day with a cup of water splashed onto my face.

"Trying to drown me?" I shout wiping my face on my shirt.

George pulls his wand out and flicks it towards the bed and the water dries up instantly, "I need your help with my mum's Christmas present and you're a heavy sleeper." He says casually.

I roll over onto my stomach and put my pillow over my head, "It's Christmas day Weasley. It's a little too late for shopping." I groan.

George crawls onto the bed and lies on top of me, crushing me into the mattress, "I've already bought it, dummy, I just need you to help me finish it."

He props himself up so I can flip back around and face him. Our noses are brushing together, "I am not wearing a Santa costume." I say to him.

George kisses my lips quickly, "But you would look so hot with a white beard."

George bursts into laughter and I push him off of me, "God George!" I say laughing.

He pulls me on top of him and hold me against his chest, "So you'll help me if it doesn't include Santa Clause?" He says.

I wiggle out of his arms and sit back on my knees, straddling his waist. I put my hands on his chest and tap my fingers against his bare skin, "What do you need me to do?"

George looks up at me, "I mean with you sitting on my like this I can think of a few things I could get you to do." He says. I hit his chest and he laughs, "Alright okay I'm sorry. I want you to cut my hair and dye it back to red."

I tilt my head and look at him, "You sure?"

George nods, "I think its time yeah. And mum wants me to do it so I thought it would be a good present cause I didn't get her one..."

I hit him again, "You didn't get your own mother a Christmas present!"

"Would you stop hitting me woman!" George grabs onto both of my wrists so I can't move my hands anymore, "You didn't get her a Christmas present either!"

"Who says I didn't get her a Christmas present?" I say loudly, "I got both your parents a present. Least I could do given they've let me stay in their house for so long."

"Mind if I put my name on them too?" George says wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and crawl back onto my side of the bed, "Come on, we better get your hair done before the rest of the house wakes up."

George rolls out of bed and pulls me along, down the hall, and down the stairs into the bathroom on the second floor. He sits backwards on the toilet and I drape a towel over his back so he doesn't get stray hairs all over himself.

"Fair warning, I've never cut hair before," I say snipping the scissors together a few times.

George laughs, "Cut it as short as you want darling, you're going to be the one looking at it all the time."

I roll my eyes and sigh but I've got a smile on my face. How could you not smile around George Weasley? I finish cutting his hair and I paint on the hair dye. "And now we wait for half an hour," I say looking at my handiwork.

George turns around and looks at me, "I wonder what we could do in half an hour?" He pulls me into him by my waist which makes me giggle.

"You're going to get red dye all over your mother's bathroom George," I say as he lifts my shirt a little and kisses my stomach.

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