Part 7, Chapter 4- Germany

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I don't know how he's done it but by the middle of August, the Dark Lord has managed to get Severus Snape to be the new Headmaster at Hogwarts.

"I don't think I can do it, go back there. With him watching over me." Draco says. He's been pacing in my room for the past twenty minutes stressing about school.

"It'll be safer for you, having Severus as your Headmaster," I say to Draco.

Draco stops, glares at me, then continues to pace back and forth. "Have you heard from George since the attack at his brother's wedding?" He asks trying to change the subject, get his mind off of things.

Truth is, I have. George sent his Patronus to find me about three days after the attack. It said, 'we're safe. Thank you for helping Ginny. I love you.' It freaked me out honestly, I didn't expect to hear his voice, I never heard of people using Patronuses to send messages.

"No, haven't heard a thing. He should be alright though... ah, fuck." My arm starts to burn and by the sudden stop in Draco's movements his arm flares up as well. We look at each other for a moment before I pull a black sweater over top of my tank top and follow Draco downstairs and into the meeting room.

"Violet, you along with your mother will accompany me to Germany." The Dark Lord says turning around and looking at Draco and me.

"Course my Lord," I say, instantly shutting down part of my personality that I only really show Draco at this point.

"Go get changed into something presentable, never come to a Death Eater meeting looking this shabby ever again." The Dark Lord says looking at me up and down with annoyance. I hurry back upstairs and get changed into dress pants and a blouse before returning back to the dining room.

My mother is already standing beside the Dark Lord waiting for me. I go over to them to apologize for my tardiness but my mother just grabs a hold of my arm and we are gone.

As soon as we land in the street people run in opposite directions. My mother wraps her arm around the Dark Lord's arm and he leads us down the street to a small white house. My mother skips, literally skips, and waves her wand in the air while laughing wildly as we walk. I walk beside the Dark Lord, holding my head up high, trying my hardest not to show any sign of weakness or fear. It must look crazy to the wizards on the street. The Dark Lord walking with two versions of Bellatrix by his side.

When we get to the little white house the Dark Lord pounds his fist on the door. It takes a minute but a very beautiful woman answers. She's quite a bit shorter than me, with her blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail on the back of her head.

The Dark Lord doesn't give her a chance to speak, "Gregorovitch?" He says calmly. My mother giggles, she's got her wand pointed at her temple and is slowly twisting it around on her temple.

The woman shakes her head no and tries to close the door. The Dark Lord doesn't like that and he forces the door open and steps inside. My mother and I follow. Her house is neat, there's a toy broom shoved in a corner. She's got a kid.

"I want Gregorovitch." The Dark Lord says again, he takes his wand in his hand and holds it low. My mother giggles wildly.

"Er wohnt hier nicht mehr!" She cries out, "He no live here! He no live here! I know him not!"

The Dark Lord doesn't like that very much. My mother raises her wand and starts waving it around in the direction of the woman, she slowly walks circles around her, "The Dark Lord wants answers." My mother sings.

"Where is he?" The Dark Lord says coldly.

"Das weiss ich nicht! He move! I know not, I know not!" She cries.

My mother very dramatically bends over so that she's talking right into the woman's ear, "Wrong answer." She shouts.

The Dark Lord raises his wand and the woman screams. My mother spins around, "Violet! You're wand!" She shrieks.

I pull my wand out and point it at the woman, I follow in my mother's shadow and stalks the woman like she's wounded prey and I'm a vulture. Two little kids come running into a side room which makes my mother scream with glee.

The woman pulls on the kids arms and uses her body to shield them, the Dark Lord points my uncle's wand right at the woman's forehead, "Avada Kedavra!" The Dark Lord shouts. Green light shoots the woman in the forehead and she falls limply to the ground.

The children scream, the Dark Lord nods towards my mother and she squeals, "Oh thank you, my Lord!" She points her wand at the youngest child, a little boy about the age of five or so and giggles, "Oh what to do, what to do!" She scratches the top of her head with the tip of her wand and contorts her face.

"Come now Bella, get yours finished so Violet can have her turn." The Dark Lord says watching my mother's behaviour.

"Sectumsempra!" She cries, the little boy's face and chest instantly are cut wide open, he screams and falls to the floor convulsing, "Sevvy taught me that one, my Lord. I'm quite a fan!"

The little boy's sister is screaming bloody murder, she crawls across her mother's body and tries to stop her brother's bleeding with her shirt sleeves. But it doesn't work, it's far too late. The little boy's body shakes one last time and lies still.

My mother and the Dark Lord both look at me as if telling me to get it done and over with. I go over to the little girl and crouch down to my knees so I'm looking at her in the face. "It won't hurt I promise. Then you'll be with your mummy and brother alright?" I whisper.

The girl who probably has no idea what I'm saying and can't understand English just looks at me with wide eyes. She reminds me of myself whenever Draco got hurt when we were growing up, it kills me. I stand up straight, point my wand at her, "Avada Kedavra" I say quietly. The stream of light hits the little girl in the chest and she collapses over top of her brother's bloody body.

I turn around and walk over to the Dark Lord. He grabs onto my arm with so much force that I stumble a little bit, "Show mercy like that again and I'll kill you." He spits at me.

He turns swiftly out the door and my mother and I rush to follow him. My mother grabs onto him and I take her hand and in one swift movement, we are all back at the Manor.

My mother spins around and looks at me, "You disgust me." She shrieks.

"Maybe you're more like your aunt and uncle than I thought." The Dark Lord says casually.

I don't know why, but it hurts, hearing the Dark Lord say that. It's not like I ever really tried to get his approval on anything I've ever done... but maybe I have? "Forgive me, my Lord. Please allow me to regain your faith." I find myself saying, almost begging. I don't like who I've become.

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