Chapter 12- Midnight Walks

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"Dragon! That big stupid oaf has a dragon!" Draco comes bursting into the common room after dinner. "Guys! Guys! Hagrid! He has a dragon!"

Everyone in the common room rolls their eyes and goes back to whatever they are doing. Everyone but me, unfortunately. All the gears click into place. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are friends with Hagrid. If Hagrid has a dragon then they would know about it.

Draco sits beside me on the couch by the lake. "Violet! I've seen it with my own two eyes. It's just a baby but it's going to grow really fast." He takes off his outer robes and tosses them on the floor.

"What do you mean you saw it?" I cover him with a blanket and he curls up in it.

"I mean I saw it! I heard 'perfect Potter' talking to his group of idiots about it so when they ran out of herbology as fast as they did I followed them. They ran right into that mixed breeds hut and I watched through the windows. Right before my eyes! A dragon hatched out of an egg!" Draco is very wound up, he keeps bouncing in his seat and is throwing his hands around when he talks.

"So you're telling me, that instead of reporting it to anyone, you just come running into the common room screaming about it?"

" I'll be reporting it Violet don't worry." Pause. "Can you help me with my herbology homework? I'm really behind and I don't understand any of it." The rest of the night is spent working on my own homework, but also trying to explain Draco's homework to him. Which consisted of me trying to remember first year which was a lot more difficult than you would think.

By about one in the morning, Draco was slumped over his textbook snoring softly. I finish off my final note for transfiguration and pack my stuff away. Gently, I pack Draco's stuff back in his bag as well. "Hey," I whisper softly. I brush Draco's har out of his face and he opens his eyes. "Head off to bed. It's late." He doesn't say anything back, he just nods and yawns really big. After picking up his bag is gives me a hug and I watch him shuffle down to the boy's dorms. Grabbing my own stuff I tip-toe past the seventh year that's passed out in front of the fire and quietly creak open my dorm room.

"Vi? Is that you?" Clarissa whispers.

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry if I woke you up, Clare."

She yawns and moves the curtain on her four-poster so she can see me. "Where were you? Out with your boy?"

I change into my pyjamas before I answer her and sit on my bed. "No, I was just in the common room helping Draco with his herbology stuff." I climb under the quilt on my bed and draw the curtains closed around me.

"Ugh. Boring" Clarissa mumbles. It only takes a second before I hear her snoring.

The next week was so normal I almost forgot about Draco and the dragon. Almost. He's been fantastic this week. Going to all his classes, asking for help when he needs it instead of just putting all the things he doesn't understand at the bottom of his bookbag, and he hasn't gotten in a single fight (that I know of).

On Saturday night, George and I snuck out of our dormitories and went on a late-night walk by the lake. That was our first mistake

"It's so beautiful at night. " I say turning around to look at the castle.

George intertwines his fingers with mine. "It is isn't it."

We turn back around and keep walking in silence. Just enjoying each others presence. "It's almost yours and Freds birthday! What should we do?" I say after a bit. Their birthday is a week.

"We should study for the upcoming exams," George says. He laughs at his own joke and I laugh with him. "Freddy and I have the whole day planned. We are going to set up pranks in almost every corner of the school the night before and watch it all unfold. It's going to be totally wicked. Best April fools that Hogwarts has ever seen."

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