Part 4, Chapter 2- Dress Shopping

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Draco, Aunt Narcissa, and I use the Floo Network to get to Diagon alley much to Aunt Narcissa's disgust.

"Floo network. Travelling by fireplaces? Who even came up with such a thing." She complains as she brushes off the stray ash from her dress. She links her arm with Draco and I follow behind them closely, "We will do Draco's robes first, that shouldn't take very long. All boys get to chose from is three shades of black. Lucky for Violet though, she get's to choose whatever colour she seems fit!" Aunt Narcissa says cheerily, "I'm thinking a deep green colour, or maybe silver! Oh, that would look stunning with your hair wouldn't it?"

"A dark green would be wonderful. Silver might make me look paler than I am." I say to her.

Aunt Narcissa brings us to a very posh looking robe store and she pushes open the door. "Ah! Madam Malfoy! What a pleasure it is to see you!" The store clerk says. He's a very short, rather plump wizard with perfectly groomed grey hair and a monocle in his left eye.

"Hello, Mister Zhao. How are you?" Aunt Narcissa says politely.

The clerk, Mister Zhao nods a few times and responds to her question, "What do we have here? Is that Draco! Oh, I haven't seen you in years! Why you must be attending Hogwarts by now correct?"

"Course I am what sort of question is that?" Draco snaps. Mister Zhao looks very uncomfortable.

"Draco! Mind your manners, Mister Zhao is a close family friend. We attended Hogwarts together." Aunt Narcissa snaps. "Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament this year so we need to find Draco some new dress robes."

Mister Zhao guides Aunt Narcissa and I to some couches that are situated in front of a fitting pedestal and he gets to work. What should have only taken an hour takes three because Draco very peculiar about his clothes and making sure they have to fit just perfectly. By the end of it, he has a sleek black and white robe set that according to Aunt Narcissa is perfect for the occasion.

Once she pays and says goodbye to Mister Zhao she leads us down the alley a bit more into a dress shop that I've never been in before.

"Madam Malfoy! What an honor to have you in our store! How can I assist you today?" The witch says from behind the counter. Aunt Narcissa explains the Triwizard tournament and everything to the witch. The witch then takes my hand and leads me away from my aunt and cousin and towards a big rack of dresses.

"What colour? What shape? What fit are you going for darling?" The witch says to me when we are away from my aunt.

"Floor length, ball gown. Uhm my aunt and I were discussing a dark green colour? But I really like the idea of a really pretty black dress. As long as I can still dance around in it though."

The witch nods and tosses herself into the big rack of dresses and comes back out with a green dress with gold detailing. She helps me put it on and I step out of the changing room and onto a pedestal in front of my aunt and Draco.

I spin around a few times and look at them both. "You look like one of those Fabergé eggs that great aunt Druella collects." Draco says. He takes a sip of his tea and looks at me with a crooked smile on his face.

Aunt Narcissa hits Draco's arm but she's smiling as well, "Let's try something else please. I saw a wonderful dress. It's black with a light and airy bottom, form fitting top... has sheer sleeves..." She says to the witch helping us.

"I totally forgot about that one! Come, come!" The witch helps me off the pedestal and drags me back into the changing rooms.

She helps me into a stunning black dress and I step back out onto the pedestal. I turn around to look in the mirrors and smile. It's the first time in months that I feel beautiful. Ever since I broke up with George in that letter I've felt disgusting. And yes technically we aren't broken up because we have spoken about it and I told him why I had to write the letter but before I met George I hated the way I looked. He made me feel special, he helped me see my worth.

"You look absolutely beautiful Violet." Aunt Narcissa says. She gets up from her seat and comes to stand beside me. "You look just like your mother when she was your age." She wipes a tear from her eye and smiles at me through the mirror.

"Do you miss her? My mother?" I ask her.

Aunt Narcissa turns to look at me and she puts both her hands on my shoulders. "I miss her every single day. Bellatrix and Andromeda were my best friends growing up. That bond... It's what I want you and Draco to have."

I smile and pull her in for a hug, "I love you Auntie." I say to her.

Draco groans, "Are we done here? Can we go back home?" Aunt Narcissa and I stop hugging and look at each other and laugh.

"Go get changed Violet, I'll pay for the dress." Aunt Narcissa says.

It's late when we get home, Draco and I take our new outfits up to our room and get ready for bed. I pull out my ink and quill and write a message to George.


I lie in my bed and stare at my arm. The ink fades away and... nothing. I try not to get worried, he might be out, he might be looking for his quill.


My heart sinks. I know full well that he is getting ready for tomorrow, him and his family are taking a port key to the camping ground tomorrow but something feels off. It might just be me though, my nerves playing games with my head.

The next morning my aunt wakes me up early so Draco, Uncle Lucius and I can get to the game on time. I put on a long black pencil skirt and a grey button down blouse. "Where's my damned shoes?" I mutter to myself as I tuck my shirt into my skirt.

Draco comes bursting into my room, "Violet! Are you ready to go? Father is waiting for us downstairs." He's wearing a black suit, looking very grown up.

"Uh yeah, I just need to find a pair of shoes that go with this outfit." I go over to my closet and pull the doors open. "you look very grown up by the way."

I look over my shoulder and Draco fixes his collar, "You think?"

I pull out a pair of black kitten heels and put them on. "You trying to impress someone or something? You have the hots for the Minister?"

"Says you! Look at how tight that skirt is, you sure you're not trying to impress anyone?" Draco says looking at me.

I roll my eyes, "Keep a secret?" I say to him. Draco nods slowly. "The Weasleys are sitting in the Minister's box too. And I haven't seen George in a while."

Draco's jaw falls open, "You're seriously going to try and talk to George Weasley after what father made you do this summer? Does he even want to talk to you after that letter? How do you even know that he has tickets for the game?"

I grab my purse from the hook on my wall and put it over my shoulder. "It was all a scare tactic. I spoke to George and he said that he never got a letter. Which means that Uncle Lucius was just seeing where my loyalties lie."

I pull open my bedroom door and Draco and I step out into the long hallway and make our way to the main staircases. "So... you and George haven't broken up? I'm so confused."

"Aunt Narcissa fully told me that Uncle was just trying to see what I would chose if I had to."

Draco and I start down the stairs, "That's so messed up..?" He says, his eyes wide.

I nod my head a bunch, "I know! Auntie told me that I still have till the end of my schooling till I have to become a Death Eater so at least I have that going for me I suppose."

"Hurry up now you two we are already going to be late!" Uncle Lucius calls from the front door. Draco and I rush down the last few steps and head out of the house along with Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius.

"Let's hope it doesn't last as long as the last one. Five days of quidditch? I would cry."

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