Part 7, Chapter 14- Five Years Later

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***Five years later***

I scoop the teabag out of my cup and plop it on a plate I have on my stovetop. I've just gotten home from work, I'm a barmaid. I sit down on my couch and flick on my television.

Draco doesn't live with me anymore. He lasted all of six months in the muggle world. I don't blame him honestly, it's terrifying here. But he's alright. He's met someone, a lovely witch named Astoria. It took him a while to learn how to love but he's done it. She helped him learn.

I, on the other hand, haven't loved anyone since George. Course I've dated people, slept with people, but I've never loved anyone. George still has my heart. I take a sip of my tea and flick the channel to something less boring than the news. The muggle world is fascinating I'll give it that, but I miss home. I miss magic.

Molly sent me a letter about a year after the battle, apologizing for George's behaviour, apologizing for killing my mother. We've been speaking quite a bit, sending each other post when we can. She hasn't told George that she talks to me, at least from what I've been told.

Molly's helped me find a flat in Diagon Alley. I told her how much I miss magic and she told me to come home. Most of my things are packed away in boxes that I have to load into my car soon. I've been sending furniture to my new flat using magic so my place is pretty bare right now, only the television, the bed, and the couch are the big pieces of furniture that are still here.

Fergus paws his way over to me and hops onto the couch, "Hey buddy, what do you want to watch hmm?" I say to him. Fergus looks at me then flops over and starts to snore a bit. Leave it to me to have a cat that snores.

There's a tap on my window which stirs Fergus a little but he doesn't open his eyes. I put my teacup down and unlatch my window. My owl, Otis, comes hopping inside and out of the rain. He's got a letter attached to his leg, a response from Molly.

Violet dear,

You're moving tomorrow right? How about you swing by before you go to your new flat and we can have a cup of tea? I know that the Burrow is way out of your way to your new flat but it would be so nice to see you! It's bound to be hard, the switch back to the wizarding world and I would love to make it easier for you. Does noon work for you? Oh, who am I kidding, come whenever you can, I want to see you! I'll see you tomorrow!

Love Molly

I read the letter quietly out loud. I look over at Fergus who is still fast asleep on the couch. I kiss the top of Otis' head, "You can head off back to the Burrow if you want. I'll be there tomorrow." I say to the bird. I swear I see him nod and he hops back out the window and soars off into the night sky.

"Well if I'm going to go to the Burrow before the new flat I might as well go to bed." I sigh. I turn the television off, pull my wand out of my hair and tap it on top of the television. It disappears immediately and I know that it's in the new flat. I do the same with the couch, the table, the curtains, pretty much anything I don't want to load into my car tomorrow morning.

I yawn really loudly and stretch my arms into the air. I dump my tea into the sink, give the cup a wash, then pack it away in a box. I pad my way into my bedroom and change into a set of pyjamas, throwing the clothes that I was wearing into my trunk.

The next morning I finish packing my things and send them down to my car using magic. I stuff Fergus into his cage despite his attempts against it. I do a once over of my flat, my home for the past five years and smile before picking up Fergus' cage and walking out of the door. I lock it for the last time and take a deep breath.

"Todays the day then Violet?" My elderly neighbour Maurice says to me as he shuffles up the hall.

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me, I'll miss you." I say to him. Maurice is a wizard. He noticed that an owl kept coming to my balcony and he asked me about it one day. He helped me adjust to the muggle world as seamlessly as it could have gone.

Maurice nods and smiles at me before unlocking his own door and stepping inside. I walk down the hallway and press the elevator button. God, trying to figure out elevators for the first time was a wild experience. When the bell dings and the door opens I get inside and press the button for the car park that's underneath the building. Learning to drive a car was also a lot more difficult than I thought it would have been.

I load Fergus into the passenger seat and hop into the driver's side. It's about a three-hour drive to get to the Burrow. I type the muggle address into the GPS I have on the car's dashboard. It beeps a couple of times then highlights the route to take. Muggles don't have magic but their technology is almost the same thing.

When I pull into the dirt driveway of the Burrow my insides churn. I haven't been here since Bill's wedding, and now according to Molly, Bill and Fleur have a daughter, Victoire, and they're expecting another any day now. God the times have changed.

I pull the car up to the side of the tall, crooked house and put it into park. I get out and close the door behind me, then I take Fergus out of his cage. He's been here before so I'm hoping that he remembers the lay of the land. I lean on the side of my car staring at the Burrow. If I listen close enough I can almost hear my laughter from nearly ten years ago as George and I and the rest of the Weasley children splash around in the river that's behind the Burrow.

I take a deep breath, I don't know why I'm so nervous all of a sudden, I'm just going to have a cup of tea with Molly, nothing serious. I push myself off the car and stuff my hands in the back pocket of my jean shorts. I didn't really bother to get too dressed up so I've just got jean shorts, a tank top, and some black boots on. That's another thing, almost as soon as I got to the Muggle world, Draco and I discovered the world of tattoos. Which means that we've both gone and got the Dark Mark covered up with a muggle tattoo. Mine's covered in flowers, you can't even see it anymore, and if you didn't know that I had it, you wouldn't know at all. Draco opted for something a little less 'girly' as he puts it and covered it with a dragon, his Patronus.

I stand outside the front door of the Burrow for a second, staring at the chipped paint on the door. I take another deep breath and rap my knuckles against the wood. I can hear a loud groan from inside and a dull thud, "Comin'... I'm comin'..." A muffled male's voice says from inside.

The door swings open, the strong scent of booze mixed with cinnamon and burning wood floods my nose. Standing in front of me is a decently tall man, his face is unshaven, his hair is a dark brown...


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