Chapter 11- Potions Class

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The next two months were full of basic everyday stuff. I think that my little outburst worked on Draco because as far as I can tell, he hasn't been getting into any real trouble. I have, however, got into loads of trouble the other day when Filch caught me, the Weasley twins and Lee all out of bed after lights out. Which didn't end well at all.

Now George and I are stuck dusting off each and every picture frame in the school, while Fred and Lee scrub out the owlery. No magic of course.

"Last time I ever join in on one of your 'perfectly thought out plans'. Sneaking off to see the Shrieking Shack. Honestly." I say to George, I wipe down the frame in front of me a tad bit aggressively and the portrait inside cusses me out.

"Better watch yourself there LeStrange. Don't need to upset the paintings just because you're upset with me." George says. I roll my eyes hard.

"I'm not mad at you. Well... yeah, I'm a little mad at you. But mostly Lee and his squeaky shoes." I mimic the squeaking sound his shoes made with my mouth and George laughs.

"Would you rather this or the owlery?"

I sneeze as dust flies into my nose. "Hmm, grumpy old paintings or piles and piles of built-up bird poop. Such a hard decision." I try my hardest to soak my words in sarcasm.

Not only did I get detention for a whole weekend, but now the whole school knows I am friends with the Weasleys. Clarissa nearly cried, like real tears running down her face cried, and she hasn't talked to me since. Emma, Henrietta, and Miriam didn't mind as much. "At least they're purebloods" was Henrietta's comment on the whole thing. "That... oh, what's his name? Peter? Perry? Percy! He's sort of cute. In a weird nerdy way, isn't he?" Emma said. Ever since she found out that I'm friends with his brothers, she's been trying to get me to set her up with Percy. It was Draco that was the worst. He burst into my room after finding out and unlike Clarissa, actually did start crying. (But honestly, I think Draco was crying more about the fact that Harry Potter and I are sort of friends rather than the fact I'm friends with the Weasleys.) Then he wrote to Uncle Lucius who sent me a very strongly worded letter. Followed by a not so strongly worded letter from Aunt Narcissa who was 'happy I am making friends' to put it nicely. Two and a half years of sneaking around just thrown down the drain all because I wanted to go to the Shrieking Shack with George. The other two weren't even supposed to be there! But George is an oaf and makes far to much noise when he walks so of course, Fred woke up. Which then woke up Lee and his loud squeaky shoes, and-

"Violet?" George's voice cuts through my train of thought.

"Hmm? Sorry I was just daydreaming." Lie, but the thoughts swimming in my head are far to complicated to be talked about on a staircase.

George shakes his head at me, "I said if you were ever to be painted and hung at Hogwarts, what would you want to be remembered for. I would want to be painted with Freddy. Hung right above Filches office so that every time he walked in and out we could throw a balloon filled with maggots or something down on him."

The portrait in front of George scoffs. "That's now how this works you know. It's actually quite complex."

George cuts off the painting, "Sorry, but I don't really care too much about the logistics of it."

"I would want to be remembered for... honestly I dunno. I haven't done to much memorable stuff since I've been here."

"Not to worry. You still have four more years to be remembered for something! I'll help you come up with a plan if you want."

"Nope, no thank you. I will not be taking you up on that offer." George shrugged his shoulder as if to say 'suit yourself' and went back to cleaning. When the dinner bell rang. George and I threw our dusters into a nearby broom closet.

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