Part 2, Chapter 2- Rescue Mission

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Fred says it'll be about an hour before we get to Harry's place. George clambers over Ron and climbs into the back to sit with me.

"So you got my letter?" He says once he's finally sitting comfortably.

I lean into him and he puts his arms around me, Fred gags from the driver's seat. "I almost didn't get it if I'm being honest." I go into explaining my summer so far and what Uncle Lucius was doing with all the letters George was sending me. Then I explained how aunt Narcissa gave me the letter very last minute and the threat Uncle Lucius said to me before they arrived.

"Its so strange hearing you talk about Draco being caring," Ron says once I finish.

"He's just a normal kid you know ickle Ronnie kins," I say joking with him. "He's just been raised a certain way."

Ron turns around in his seat to look at me, "Okay but you aren't like him and you were raised by the same people."

"He just doesn't know that its okay to have opinions that aren't the same as your parents yet. He'll learn eventually. I'm sure of it." By the look on Ron's face I'd say he doesn't believe me for a second.

I think I fell asleep because not too long after Fred is shouting "All these bloody muggle houses look the same! Which number is his!?" I open my eyes and look out the window. Sure enough, we are over top like 30 identical houses.

"Dunno, three I think," Ron says, his head sticking out the window.

George sits up and slaps his younger brother on the back of the head. "You think! Fucking hell Ronald what kind of rescue mission is this if you can't even remember where he lives!"

Fred lowers the car towards the house with the number three on the front. He moves the car towards the back and we all look out the window. All we see is an old woman sitting on her bed watching a moving pictures box as her husband sleeps beside her.

"Good job there Ronald! She looks just like Harry Potter!" Fred says sarcastically. I look through the windshield and notice that the next house has a big cage on one of the back windows.

"What about that one?" I point my arm through the car into the front so Fred can see what I'm pointing at.

"I honestly hope not," George says to himself. Fred drives the car slowly over to the caged window. Sure enough, Harry's snowy owl Hedwig is sitting in the window. Fred turns the car around so Ron's window was closest to Harry's window. Fred then turns off the cars invisibility thing and we watch in silence as Harry comes over to the window.

"All right Harry?" Ron says very casually.

Harry rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Ron? How- what- I- are you in a car!?" Harry whispers.

"What's been going on? I've asked you to stay like a million times and then dad said you got a warning from the ministry for using magic in front of muggles." Ron says to Harry through the bars.

"Underage magic in front of muggles! Well done Harry!" Fred says merrily, causing George and I to chuckle in the back.

"It wasn't even me- how do you even know that."

Its Georges turn to pop his head out of his window. "Dad works in the ministry."

Ron ignores George and goes back to talking to Harry. "You know we aren't supposed to use magic outside of school!"

Harry laughs, "Bit rich coming from you." He gestures his hand towards the floating car.

"This doesn't count. We're only borrowing this, its dads, he enchanted it. But doing magic in front of those muggles you live with..."

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