Part 6, Chapter 11- Christmas

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Midnight on Christmas, I sneak down the hall and into Draco's room, holding the skiving snack box I got a while ago in my hands. I push open his door and tiptoe in.

"Why the bloody hell are you walking like that? Looks like someone shoved a stick up your ass." Draco says looking at me from his desk

"I thought you were asleep," I say to him. I walk over to his desk and plop the box of candies beside him. "Merry Christmas you old twat."

Draco looks at the box of joke candies, "They're banned at Hogwarts." He says casually.

I go over to his bed that's in the corner of his room. "Right because you've really been following the rules of Hogwarts as of late." I sit down cross-legged on his bed and look at him with my eyebrows raised.

Draco turns around to look at me, "Oh ha, ha, ha. Tell another joke Violet you're really funny."

"What are you working on so late at night anyway?" I ask, nodding my head towards the books and parchment that cover his desk.

He looks at the mess covering his desk for a moment then looks back at me, "What do you think I'm working on?" He asks right back.

I take the hint and get up from his bed, "If you need me I'm down the hall to the left." I say. I go over to him and peck the top of his head, "Merry Christmas." I mumble.

"Merry Christmas." He says back to me before I walk out of his door and close it carefully behind me.

I can hear my mother laughing quietly downstairs. It's not the normal cackling that I'm used to hearing though, it's soft. Like she's a school girl talking to her crush or something like that. I chose to ignore that my mother is clearly flirting with someone downstairs and slip back into my room and fall asleep.


"Violet get up. Jesus look at the state of you."

I groan and roll over, light shining into my room through the stain glass window giving my room a light purple glow, "Emma what the fuck are you doing here? What time is it?"

I watch as Emma walks over to my closet and throws open its doors, "Oh yeah, Merry Christmas to you too." She says sassily. "It's like seven at night." She says checking her watch.

I sit up in bed and wipe the sleep out of my eyes, "Alright, Merry Christmas, now tell me what the hell you're doing here?"

Emma stops what she's doing and looks at me. "You didn't hear? No course you haven't you've been in bed all damn day. The Dark Lord knows that Harry is at the Burrow." She throws a pair of pants and a shirt. "They're planning on burning it to the ground."

My heart sinks into my gut. I scramble out of bed and pull on the clothes that Emma just threw at me. "When?"

Emma looks at her watch again, "In like five minutes." She grabs onto me and the next thing I know we are outside the Burrow. I can hear the laughing and chattering from inside as soon as my feet hit the ground. Emma and I break into a full sprint and pound our fists on the door.

Arthur Weasley pulls it open and Emma and I force ourselves inside. "You've all got to go! Get out now!" Emma says frantically.

Remus and Bill come over to us, "What's going on?" Remus asks us.

"Death Eaters, they know Harry's here. They're going to burn the house down." I say looking at him, "You've got to get out, right now."

"And how are we supposed to trust you two? Who's to say that there isn't Death Eaters waiting for us to evacuate?" Bill snaps at us.

Fred, George, Molly, and... Fleur? All come over to us as well, "Violet? What's going on?" George asks me, the pulse in my ring is going a mile a minute and all I want to do is hug George.

Emma roars, "You're wasting time! You want to get burned to a crisp that's fine by me. We tried to warn you all."

Nearly as soon as Emma finishes that sentence there's a loud bang from outside and the unmistakable sound of my mothers laugh. Flames circle the house. "They'll kill us." I say to everyone before grabbing onto Emma and apparating us both out of the house and into the marsh that is around the Weasleys home.

Everyone runs out of the house after that. I can hear George yelling my name which pulls on my heart, the fear in his voice, the pain in his voice.

My mother's cackle rings out over the flames, "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" She chants as she skips around the circle of fire that she's created. Harry pulls out his wand and charges through the flames, Remus tries to stop him, "Oh? Coming to stop me are you?"

"That bloody idiot just did what they wanted him to do." I say to Emma. We run through the reeds towards the sound of my mother laughing. We pass other Death Eaters who are stationed around the house. They didn't see us run into the house did they?

Emma skids to a halt and I end up smashing into her. We are still hidden by a few reeds so Fenrir Greyback can't see us as he's prepping to attack Ginny. I pull out my wand, "Stupefy!" I cast my wand towards Fenrir. He blocks the attack, thinking that it came from Harry Potter that is now a few feet away from us all. He laughs wickedly and apparates away.

Ginny looks around her trying to spot who actually cast the spell but Harry dashes off and she follows. Emma and I follow the two of them, making sure to stay hidden in the reeds, "I can't let them hurt Ginny." I whisper to Emma.

My mother laughs up ahead. Emma and I make our way over carefully. Harry and Ginny are standing back to back in a flattened bit of reeds, both of them sending hexes into the reeds as well as blocking anything that comes there way. Remus, Arthur, and Bill come sprinting through and Emma and I bury ourselves deeper into the darkness.

All around us Death Eaters start to apparate away, clearly freaked out by the presence of adults. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.


"ARTHUR!" Molly screams. Arthur, Bill, Remus, Ginny, and Harry all sprint out of the reeds and back towards the Burrow. I can see it from here, vicious flames lick the clouds above the house. I race back through the reeds ignoring Emma's cries for me to stop.

I position myself on the edge of the Weasley property. I do a mental head count and make sure that everyone has got out safe. George is looking at the darkness that surrounds his burning home, clearly looking for me. He knows I'm not dead, I've still got my ring on.

Emma comes up beside me, "We've got to go. They're going to know that we were here and we most definitely were not supposed to be here." She whispers into my ear.

I look at George once again, we make eye contact and even from a distance I can see his shoulders relax and his whole body release tension. I grab onto Emma and apparate us out of there and back to the Manor.

As soon as we land we throw our outer robes onto my chair and lie in my bed just in case anyone comes upstairs looking for us.

"You think they're going to be alright?" Emma asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "All their memories, photo albums... I dunno man."

"They should have listened to us. Why didn't they listen to us?"

"Couple of Death Eaters show up to your house demanding you leave or be killed? It does sound like a trap." I say to her.

A knock on my door makes both Emma and I jump, "Come in!" I call.

Aunt Narcissa comes in the room and smiles, "Oh Emma, I didn't know you were here." She says, "I was just making sure that you were feeling alright Violet, we haven't seen you all day."

"I'm alright. I just really wasn't feeling well and when I didn't respond to Emma's owl she decided to pop over to make sure I was alright."

Aunt Narcissa smiles again, "I'll get Norby to bring you up some stew if you're feeling under the weather. I'll send some up for you as well Emma. Can't have you starving under my roof." She leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

"You think she knows where we were?" Emma says so quietly that I can barely hear her.

"No, but we can't go doing that sort of thing again or we will get ourselves killed."

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