🌿 | The LGBTQ Community | 🌿

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♠️ The LGBTQ Community ♠️

Written by: hanxuaner
Editted by: ThatBiryaniWaliLadki

I know after reading the title many of you guys have already furrowed your brows and scrunched your noses, wondering if you should leave this at once... but before you leave, do give my words a read, maybe you will come across something that you never knew.

Hello guys! This is hanxuaner here to give you an eye-opening lesson about a topic, a community that is considered a scar for the society.

First of all how many of you guys are aware of the full terminology of LGBTQ?
Hardly, a few amongst you, unless you belong to the community, right?
For most of the people, the LGBTQ community only belongs to 'gays', 'lesbians', 'transgenders' and 'transsexuals'. But that's not the only thing! Because the word LGBTQ is a small acronym for the whole terminology of this community.

So what is the full term? It is "LGBTTQQIAAP".

Shocked? You will be as you explore not just this but the whole beautiful community.

Now coming to the words hiding behind the alphabets. I think you already know what the L,G,T,T mean and some also know the meaning of B. But still why not elaborate...

L stands for lesbian; same gender attraction between girls

G stand for gay; same gender attraction between boys

•B for bisexual; a person having attraction to both genders

T is transgender; a person who mentally belongs to the opposite gender yet the external features differ. It is an umbrella term for all of them who opposes the sexual orientation they are, by birth

T is transsexual; a person who has gone through surgical procedure to change their own sexual orientation.

•Q stands for queer; another umbrella term which embraces a matrix of sexual preferences, orientations and habits of non-exclusively heterosexual and monogamous majority

Q is questioning; the process of exploring one's own sexual orientation or gender identity. Investigating the influences coming from their family upbringing, new internal motives.

I for intersex; a person born with a variety of conditions such that their sexual anatomy isn't similiar to that of a typical male or female.

•A for asexual; person who has no sexual attraction to anyone

A for ally; a person who speaks and stands up for the rights of LGBT people.

P for pansexual; attracted to people of all genders, including those who identify as transgender, transsexual, androgynous, genderqueer, etc.

And there is another term which is not included in this terminology but still comes under the umbrella of this family.

•Demisexual;a person who can not be sexually attracted to anyone before forming a bond with them. It's basically stands under the queer umbrella.

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