(READER INSERT) Divus Crewel x fem!Reader |lemon|

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REQ BY: Mimisaaaaasasageyo (your username is crazy lol not bad)

today is Friday. but there are no classes because of the accident that occured at the Potion room where all of the mixtures including the poisonous ones fell down at each of the shelves. Divus Crewel who is teaching alchemy got furious about this and locked himself at his room, some said that he's remaking all of the potions that were once made before by him.

Y/n L/n as his secret girlfriend cannot do anything about this and is said by Divus to stay away from his room for the time being.

You, Styling Vil Schoenheit's hair by what he asked you to,

"Y/n, honey" the Pomefiore's dorm leader called out. "what is it, Vil-senpai?"

"can you please get my notebook at Divus sensei's room? i need it right now~" he pleaded. Since you work under him, you cannot refuse his request wether its way too dangerous. Just for hearing his name gives makes you shiver. "o-okay..."

leaving the dorm leader's room, you headed to Divus-sensei's room. Passing by your closest friend, Epel. Noticing the nervousness you're feeling because you're way too easy to be read by face emotion if it's Epel "Y/n, what's wrong?" stopping at your tracks, you avoided his gaze "n-nothing... uhm.. i need to do my work so please excuse me" she never have done that to Epel, feeling shame to herself, she ran away from him until she reaches the door of the Alchemy teacher.

knocking at the door, she said "Divus-sensei?"

there's no answer to be heard. Slightly opening the huge door in front of her, She peeked inside. And saw Cauldrons on the one side and the whole desk of his already has a finished product.

Entering the teacher's room, looking for the said notebook when...

"You, what are you doing here?"

looking at your back, Divus itself is there glaring at you "who in hell told you to enter my room?" closing the door and secretly lock it, he approached you "tell me, Y/n "


"Oho... so you're obeying him like a pup now? when I already thought you're mine? and calling him by his first name... are you cheating on me?!"

"i-it's not like that... he... he... just asked me to get his notebook at your room"

"you're still following orders. Didn't I told you to STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY. ROOM?" as his warm ungloved fingers lift your chin to look at him straightly at the eye, it made you more scared to answer but likes how he does it like a masochist.

"S-Sensei.. no.." Y/n moaned out.

"sensei? seriously y/n? you masochistic woman moaning out just for looking at you... so hot"

closing the distance between you, he connects his lips with your roughly like a hungry beast as he started to undo your clothes without breaking the Kiss.

throwing your tops at the floor, he pushed you to his bed and started nibbling your ears.

removing every clothing of yours as he kisses you again and again until you were just wearing the last piece of clothing: panties

"Daddy... you're unfair~ You're still clothed while I'm not~" smirking at him made him realize that he turned the switch of hers on. Making her act like a masochist which he likes so much. Taking out the red collar that he keeps at his drawer and putting at her neck makes him turn on more. While Y/n posing like a cat "nya~"

Smirking at the sight of his woman making in front of his, "Why not you remove them, Baby girl?"

The answer is already obvious. Y/n got up and pushed his man at the bed, removing his clothing and throwing it at the side of the bed.

looking at his size, she leaned in and licked the tip, leaving the man moaning mess. "A-ah... yes.. baby girl... Ah~!" liking the tone of his, Y/n sucked the dick of his moving her head up and down. not giving any warning, Divus moved his hips while holding his lover's head. Thrusting over and over making the bell of the collar ring, he came inside of y/n's mouth.

"how's it, Baby girl ?"

"i-its... delicious... Daddy"

removing the last piece of clothing she has on, she moved through her lover's member, about to ride him, when he became to top again and making y/n in the bottom

"bad girls should be punished, didn't you know that? since it's your punishment, daddy will give his baby something until he makes her scream~" without letting you adjust to his size, a wave of pleasure and pain was being given to her. He continued to thrust his student's insides by his dick hitting y/n's g-spot which made her scream out of pleasure

"More daddy~! fuck me~! a-ah~"

he leaned at her, giving her a french kiss. As their tongue dances to each other, He became rougher at thrusting her until the two came together.

moving to her neck, sucking, and nibbling at it making love bites. "hum... i should thank Vil later"

"Daddy, what do... you mean?"

"I asked him to order you to go here baby~ Let's not waste the time. Let's finish this up and I'll have to finish up those potions there"

"mhm..." she answered with a disappointment at her tone. Expecting that they will be doing it rounds of time




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