(READER INSERT) Azul Ashengrotto x fem!Reader |lemon|

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Fighting over small things such as cosmetics is something that happens usually at the dorm of Pomefiore. Never did y/n, Vil's sister, knew that because of the fight Vil and she had, his favorite crown turned into pieces of ice because of the ice magic she used that was supposed to hit the wall.

gathering pieces of information where did the certain jewelry come from, Rook Hunt said that it was given to him by someone and is the infamous contractor, named Azul Ashengrotto

she, coming from a wealthy family came to face the man that was said to be the person that used to own the beautiful and elegant looking crown.


slamming the door open, "where is Azul?!"

supposed to be furious, when he saw the beautiful lady came to her office, his face softens, forming a smirk as he made a plan that he never did before

"Welcome, my lady. With such a beauty you possess, Are you Y/n Schoenheit?" approaching the guest and giving her a kiss at her hand.

"yes, I am. So what about that? how did you know who I am?" as Azul guided her at the couch, she threw questions at him.

"My lady, Vil is our top customer. Of course, we would know especially he also buys products for his only little sister" he answered as he only heard a "hmph" from the young lady.

sitting at the opposite couch, the contractor says "i know that you have your reasons for coming here. May I know what it is?"

"my... brother's crown.." she murmured. "pardon?"

"My brother's crown!" she yelled at him, with this, he remembered that Vil said to hi before that the young Y/n Schoenheit was so sweet but because of their mother who spoiled her, she became short-tempered as she grows.

making his patience long, he calmly asked: "what is about the crown, Lady Y/n?"

"I accidentally broke his precious crown when we fought. He's in a bad mood ever since that happened so... I need an exact copy of that. The Higher quality than that if there is, I'll take it"

"My, my... that crown really is so precious to him that he treasured it ever since he had it. But, that thing is PRICELESS, my lady."

"HA?! what do you mean by that?!"

When Azul smirked at the young Lady, furiousness bottled her up. But she stopped herself, "We gave it for him since he's the only customer of us who takes high priced products. But since you need the exact copy you need to pay the price we needed~"

"what payment do you need?" she asked

"My lady, For this product you wanted, I won't accept money no matter how much it is or any of your help"

"then what?"

"your body, of course, My lady." the long talk ended there. She froze on the spot as her cheeks flamed up


"*chuckles* so she's just a tsundere... ahem, pay the price or... would you rather let your brother hate you? if I were you I will do it. He showered you with love every time, didn't you know that? when he's coming here buying you something, he has that smile while imagining you liking it. After all, he loves his favorite little sister~ He even told me before that he will do everything to make you smile. So, why not do the same as his?" after a long time of convincing her that was actually playing dirty, she finally agreed

never did the lady knows that Azul was actually hiding the same crown in case that Vil broke his own and let him pay it with a nice price.

"Now, now, my lady, sign the contract, please"

handing the pen to the lady, she took it without any questions and signed the contact of his

"Please follow me, Lady Y/n-" "hold it up. What's your age?"

"Age doesn't matter isn't it~ you're 16 and i am 17, one year apart plus a virgin body... I'm not letting you run away, little Schoenheit~"

scooping her up, Not wasting any time, he laid her down at the table as he removed his necktie and tied her wrists up to her head. "take me already... for my... brother" she mumbled.

"yes, my lady"

locking the door by magic as he removes his glasses, making his own way and kissing the virgin lady.

Nibbling her ears when she struggles and moans loudly. "you're quite a sensitive one, huh" Azul commented. "take this tie off of me. I can't hold you like this..."

"Oho..? interesting~" removing the tie on her wrist as she wished, she pulled Azul close to her and kissed him, shocking the man itself.

while her arms snaked at Azul's neck, he used magic to undress each other and then licking the neck of the little one earning an earful moan from her

"little Schoenheit... you're already this wet? fufufu~ don't worry"

he started fondling her breasts as he licks the other mound of her. "m-more.. Azul~!" she moaned pulling his head over hers

"tsundere plus slutty side? what a lucky one i am~'' he thought.

playing with her clitoris when someone knocked at the door. "Azul?" with the familiar voice of the man, shocking the duo, Vil Schoenheit is on the other side.

clearing his throat, he kept on playing with y/n's clit minding the situation he had. "Yes?"

"Are you busy?" he asked

"yes, I'm with a contractee" covering her mouth, he enters his middle finger at the girl's hole as he answered.

"can I come in?"

"Absolutely not. My contractee isn't allowing it." he stated as he continues to move his finger up and down.

"a private one huh... By the way, did my sister came here?"

"No. Not at all"

"is that so... well then, that's all I need to know. I'm leaving once I had my smoothie. If she ever comes here, inform me."

when her brother finally left, he removes his hand from Y/n's mouth and commented. "Dear, why are you so open down here? I suppose that you are touching yourself hm?"

"I-I don't..." she lies

"Oho... i will stop if you won't tell me the reason for this"

"n-no! don't stop... I will tell you!"

"Tell me then." pushing his member to her as she gasps from the waves of pleasure she felt. "i.. masturbated... nngh... b-because...Ah~!"

"don't stop darling~" Azul whispered as he licks her ear

"Because... of... Nnngh~ A-Azul...! M-my B-B-Brother.... mhm... gave me a photo...Of h-him telling th-that Azul i....is... A l-close friend Ah~!! not th-there!"

"What a surprise... to think that you're doing it because of me~ Well then, let me give you a prize for being a good girl~"

hitting her g-spot over and over, making her cum over as Azul did too.

"A-Azul... sorry.."

"hm? why is that?"

"I acted like that to you earlier... sorry"

"Sheesh, I'm just resisting myself not to overdo this, and now, you're... damn it." kissing her forehead, he helped her up to dress up. "wait here Y/n-chan"

leaving the room for minutes and then he came back with the crown she asked. "here."

"mhm... Thanks." standing up from the couch, approaching the man, She tiptoed, snaking her arms on Azul's neck giving him a kiss with her lustrous lips.

"Azul... we should do that more often" she winked at him. Breaking free from his touch, leaving him there by himself

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