>>READER INSERT<< Vil Schoenheit x Reader

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Requested by: Twilight_justice


"Don't listen to them. You're beautiful, Y/n" He says this with a pure smile on his face. You believed each of his words, and you didn't try to think you're ugly or anything bad. 

"Beauty isn't something you can see outside..."




After three months you were summoned in one of the most prestigious school, You weren't sorted to Pomefiore dorm. "I think I'm too dumb to listen to him..." you mumbled while looking at Vil's picture in your phone's gallery. "He's so beautiful... There's no way he would like me romantically"

Sighing, you turned your phone off and opened your computer to play a virtual dating game. "If there's a person as handsome as them to accept me for who i am... I bet I'll die peacefully~!" squealing like a fangirl you are, you smiled creepily as you pressed the start button.




Meanwhile, at his room, he hugged his pillow tightly. "...Y/n, I miss you..." touching his hair as if he's touching yours, Vil smiles bitterly. 

He doesn't want to get close to you that much. People might say you used a love potion to make him act like that with you. "I want to see you..."

Yet a knock on his door made his tear stop from falling. There's no one else who can visit him at this hour except for Rook Hunt. "Rois du poison, excuse me" the certain hunter entered the room without Vil's permission, which... he doesn't usually do.

"I heard your wishes, Rois du poison~" The blonde smiles small. "And i have a plan for that"

The dorm head hesitates at first. Glaring at Rook, he says: "Hm... Sure. Let me hear that plan of yours"





"W-Who are you..!? What do you need from me!?" Rook tightens his grip on your wrists, not having any plans to let you go. Giggling softly, he cups your cheeks, making you face him, but you averted your gaze from his. "What I need is.... your body, madame~"

"W-what!? I-I think you need to use e-eyeglasses! I'm not sexy nor pretty!!" kicking his leg, he didn't even budge a little. "It doesn't hurt littl-"

"Y/n!!" Vil shows up out of nowhere and pushes Rook very lightly on which Rook dramatically fell on the ground.

"O-Ouch... that hurts...!" Rook groaned fakely in pain and Vil hugged you ever so tightly. "Y/n...! I'm so glad he didn't do anything bad to you!" Sniffing your scent whom he missed so much, he finally relaxed. 

he winks at the hunter, almost saying thank you that he finally hugged you. Rook winks back and fakes his groans again. 

"Friendship is magic, right~? Let's act about me trying to hurt her and you'll go save her as if you're her hero"

"Vil-san! Are you alright? Let's get out of this place, he might attach us!" You dragged him out of the garden, your hand wrapping his wrist lightly.

His lips was curled into a smile due to happiness. No matter how you look like, your kindness really intrigue him. 'Y/n... I like you...'

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