>>READER INSERT<< Malleus Draconia x shy!reader

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Requested by: MinMin0711

You've known him for so long...

The future king of the Valley of Thorns is a wonderful man. He's kind yet almost everyone is scared of him because of his strong powers.

As a third-year that resides in the same dorm as his, you were scared of him. The moment he asked you to come with him somewhere silent, your heart almost stopped.

"L/n, may i talk with you?"

Your friends stepped back. No one expected him to approach you, especially when you're with your friends. "Sure.. d-dorm leader..." adjusting your eyeglasses, you lowered your head. You never really look straightly at anyone's eyes, unless if you really trust them.

Hoping he wouldn't hurt you, you obediently followed him at... his room...

"D-dorm leader... Uh... W-why did you invited me h-here...?" Clenching your fist, you trembled as if he's going to do something to you.

The dorm head sat down on his bed, crossing his legs and arms before looking at you. Still, you looked down, trying your very best not to looks at him directly.

"I heard something from Lilia..." He seriously says. "You're about to fail magical pharmaceuticals yet you didn't tell me, my dear..."

You froze at his sudden statement. It's true that you were failing that subject, but, the way he calls you 'dear'... It really made your mouth agape.

"D-Dear...? What do you m-mean, dorm l-leader...?"

He sighed. He didn't know he made a huge mistake. "Hm? Is there anything wrong with that?"

Blame the old man he's close to. He too is an old person yet a little bit younger... Yes, he is.

"Isn't it normal to call you that?" He raises a brow. At this moment, you don't really know what to say. If he called the other girls with that call-name then...

'i can't... Let that happen...'

"Y-yes... It's normal..." You smiled a little. "But... Um... P-Please don't call... Other girls besides me with that... C-call name..."

Do you like him? Maybe yes, maybe no. 'he might embarrass himself in public, I cannot just let him be'

Malleus is confused now. Lilia can be mischievous and it's making him nervous. If he really did prank him, he will talk to him later. Scolding someone who raised him will only make him angry himself.

"I don't have any intention to call anyone like that besides you" he bluntly says. Malleus stood up and went closer to you. Such a shy person was yet so kind. His heart skipped a beat and his cheeks were tinted red.

He cupped your cheeks for you to face him. Lilia's words suddenly came back to his mind.

"You must only call a girl 'dear' if that person makes your heart skip a beat. That one who intrigues you the most"

he moved forward, almost letting his lips kiss yours. You can feel the warmness of his breath as if he's going to let out some fire-- or maybe, his love to you~?

Flicking your forehead, he quickly distances himself from you before he could lose his control. "Go back to y-your room and w-wear your lab coat immediately" he stuttered, covering his face with his hand. "I'll do my best to teach you magical pharmaceuticals. L-Let's not waste time"

You simply nodded and rushes out of the dorm leader's room. Flustered, you lowered your head, avoiding people who could see how red you are. Expecting something like 'that' to happen, blame your naughty brain for thinking such things. 

"Oh my gosh... Malleus-sama..."

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