(READER INSERT) Kalim Al-Asim x Reader

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requested by: I_Shipping_For_Life


He's the opposite of you. Born wealthy, powerful, and resourceful. Yet you are just like the other people that can be found anywhere around the world.

Just how did you fell in love with him?

"Oi!! Y/n!!" Kalim shouted at you while waving his hand. Even if he's that far, you can still see the smile carved on his face like usual

Waving back, you smiled. Even though he didn't know about your feelings, just having him on your surroundings make you even fall for him harder.

That smile. . . how wonderful it is

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Ashton yelled, lightly smacking your head. "A-ah... Coming! Sorry, sir!" You responded, making your way to your classmates and Grim..



"Y/n! Y/n! let's party tonight~ Ah, the two of you too plus this little animal too!" Says Kalim while clasping his hands to yours. Ace and Deuce nodded. Grim smiled while you responded nervously "A-ah... S-s-sure...!" Blushing, Kalim didn't even realize it. Giving out a loud "Yay~!" from him, he ran away once more.

"Woah! Y/n is blushing!" Ace smirked as he continuously elbowed you. Deuce copied his actions and says "Y/n, way to go!"

"Wait... you know?"

"Nya? Every time you look at him, you always smile ya know?"

the two agreed, nodding their head. Making you blush even more. "don't worry Prefect. We got your back!" Deuce exclaimed earning a tsk from you. "Just don't... let him know. I will let him know."

they again nodded and planned for the confession night of yours. Dragging Grim with you, the two of you headed to the Hall of Mirrors to Scarabia, Your new dorm.

going straight to your room, you changed into your dorm uniform. Not that Grim cared anyway. He just laid down in the bed, already snoring. Who knows why?

caressing Grim's fur, he sleep talked "Canned... Tuna... yum... nom...nom..." taking your fingers with his paws and nibbling it. "So cute!" you thought.

Never did you know, someone's peeking somewhere in your room, spying you. Since Grim's fur is way too comfortable to one's touch, You ended up smiling crazily. To the point that you already forgot about the party.

a knock at the door was heard and Grim is still unaware. He's still snoring with some drool in the side of his mouth. "Yes?" you asked.

"The dorm leader's party will start soon, lady Y/n" With the voice of that person, you immediately knew that it is Jamil, Kalim's servant. Moving out of the bed, not bothering to wake up Grim, knowing that he'll cause a ruckus at the party.

The moment you stepped out of the room, Jamil is at your side, escorting you to the party hall of the dorm. Thanking him, he just smiled a tiny bit and turned into his usual self.

Music is all loud and the other dorm members are all dancing. Not used to this kind of occasion because it's just a week since you were transferred here. Taking some desserts and some candies from the counter, you headed to the balcony, All by yourself.

A-Deuce combo is also there partying so you couldn't bother them. Taking a bite, "Mhm... Delicious" you mumbled, overly nervous

"I wonder how will I confess..."

"Hm? What are you talking about Y/n"

looking to where the voice came from, Kalim is there with his arms crossed. "not enjoying the party? is there something it lacked? is the music not your type? ah! the food isn-"

"That's not it!" you cried out, Shocking the man.

for the first time, his smile faded. He just glared at you "then what?" every 5 seconds he doesn't receive your answer, he steps closer to you. "I..."

"You what?"

"I... nothing! nothing at all! ahaha..." so fake, he thought. He wants the answer already. Feeling angry for some reason, he placed his hands in the railings, trapping her.

The face of his is all close. Eyes glowing red, "Tell me... or else..."

''i..." looking at the other side, but his fingers held your chin. Staring straightly on your eyes as if looking at your soul, you cannot bear it anymore. Tears rolled down to your cheeks because of fear, "I like you. Please go out with m-"

pressing his lips to yours, he roughly shoved his tongue when you gasped. He wrapped his arms in your waist while your arms snaked into his neck, kissing him back. A string of saliva connects both of your tongues as you broke the kiss, gasping for air

"You're late, Y/n! You should've told me that before!" hugging you close to him, he also rested his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your flowery scent that he likes

"Sorry... I didn't know... I'm scared that maybe you'll reject me"

"seriously...!" moving to give your lips a quick kiss. "There's no way I can reject you" Another kiss to the cheeks and then the neck, he stopped there

"Let's continue this in my room later shall we?"

"EH?! No way! Not until we're in the proper age!" He pouted but then dragged you into the dance floor "Then at least dance with me!" With his smile showing up again, You nodded

Your friends in the corner giggled, seeing you smiling with your dream man "Oi Juice let's congratulate her tomorrow, yeah?"

"Tsk, whatever. Sure"

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