(READER INSERT) Leona Kingscholar x Reader (part 2)

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req by: YaralissaXOXO

okay, okay, this is the last request I have received. Feel free to request

(bc I dun refuse any requests given to me, NOT EVEN ONCE. yea uwu)


She thought that the revenge for stepping her dorm leader's tail is just for one time but it ended up continuing for ONE MONTH.

"You damn lion... I take it back. I hate you so much"


"Hakdog. Wait... Leona-senpai?!"

turning where he is, He's actually leaning into one of the pillars with his eyes focused on Y/n. "Oi little herbivore, What's hakdog?"

"Ah uhm... nothing. I just blurted it out. Senpai, are you going to your clubroom?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Uh... nothing. I thought you're going to use me as your pillow again"

hearing a slight chuckle from him, he approached you from behind and gave you a hug. Flinched, you tried to get away from him but he didn't even budge. "Why? want me to use you? if its an invitation, go to my room tonight"smirking, he even gave you a quick kiss in the ears before getting away and walking away.

frozen on the spot, touching where he kissed. "I can't feel my ear... Ugh..."

"Y/n! Y/n! where are you- ah, Y/n! just where have you gone to? and...you're quite red" looking down at you, Jack pulled you by the arm with your bag on his hands "Don't just wander around. Auntie will kill me if you got missing"

nodding, you followed him to the hall of mirrors, to the Savanaclaw dorm.

The usual wildness of the place makes her calm down, Even though she wasn't born and raised in this kind of environment. Somehow, Her cousin is in the same condition. Hybrid children really are...

"Ossu, Y/n-chan! Can you help me in the kitchen?" Asked Ruggie, the moment you just stepped in into the lounge. "Ruggie-senpai, don't mak-"

"okay~!" cutting in, you just answered this, shutting him up to prevent furder fights. "Ah, senpai. I'm going to change for a bit."

rushing to your room, your girl roommate named (F/n Bucchi) is already lazing around her bed with her clothes all messy. "Yo, welcome back. Are you going to help brother Ruggie again?" she asked, as you stripped and changed into the dorm uniform "Yeah. Your brother asked me to"

"so that means, The food tonight will be extra delish~!"

"Okay, okay. I need to go now. See you later"

waving at you, you shut the door behind your back and sighed "I wonder if Ruggie senpai is already used to see his sister wearing clothes like that..."

Going down, your tail is already swaying, smelling the aroma of the food. "Mhm. I should do my best too!"




"Second helping please!"

"Ahh! So delicious!"

"L/n! Over here!"

"Please wait!" you yelled back, serving the foods to the troublesome dorm members. That being said, the two of you made a lot so there's no problem.

"Senpai, How about the dorm leader?"

"He's in the corner. Woah, Woah, isn't your eyes usually sharp?"

"Ehehe... Don't worry. Those bodybuilders are covering him after all. Maybe I'm just too small to track him"

Taking the foods from the counter, Savanaclaw is almost an Eatery, feeding so many people in one go.

"Little Herbivore... you're quite hardworking... aren't you?"


"Hah... *pants* At last..."

"good work, Y/n. Thanks for your help again. Let's just leave these dishes to the people in charge." Says Ruggie before leaving, caressing his stomach.

Nodding, you also followed. Going up to the stairs to your room, you remembered,

"Why? want me to use you? if its an invitation, go to my room tonight"

"Ugh... If I didn't go, I'm sure he'll make me run a lot of errands harsher than Ruggie-senpai"

stomping, you just pouted as you went to the room of the 'King'. Knocking, you heard a response. Walking in..

"What do you need from me this late Rug.....gie?" a moment of silence, his eyes widened in surprise "oh... I didn't expect that you'll really come over, Brave Kitten"

As the moonlight illuminates in the room, His smirk even became wider, as if targeting his prey. Yet her heart skipped a beat, almost letting herself being eaten by the predator

"S-sorry for bothering you... I-"

"Now that you're here, you're not permitted to leave until I want to." Still lying on his bed, he demanded "If you don't want to be hurt, lock the door and come here"

Doing what he has said, you're powerless to disobey his orders.

Slowly approaching him, the clicking of your heels echoes around the room. Patting the open space beside him, You decided just to obey, until the end.

Lying beside him, you heard your heart panicking. Feeling nervous, you turned your back to his. You may earned a 'tsk' from him, he even covered you with his blankets. Feeling warm in your back, he actually pressed his body to you. "Y/n..."


"face me... will you?"

Taking time to analyze what he has said, You were flustered. Even so, you still turned into him. Face-to-face with him that is way too close.

caressing your cheeks, he leaned into your chest, resting his head there. Feeling and hearing him breathe, You almost lose your control. But in the end, you gave in and hugged him back.

"Y/n... I like you. Got that?"

"Mhm... I do too" kissing his head, You felt him smile and muttered an "I love you" before drifting to his sleep

Caressing Leona's hair, His breathing got lighter. Seems that he's already dreaming

"It seems that i need to take my words back earlier...." smiling, you closed your eyes. "I love you... Leona, My king"

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