>>READER INSERT<< Floyd Leech x Reader

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Requested by: -_-_galaxy_-_-

Thanks for requesting~

I'm sorry if it sucks too. Let me know if you hate this btw-


At first, she's so clingy and touchy when they started their relationship, 7 months ago.

Floyd could notice that. He's not as dense as people could think. Afterall, he's a so smart. But because of his usual mood swings, he doesn't show it that much and ending up passing his test paper without any answer.

"My lovely koebi-chan~! Good morning~" Floyd greeted, hugging his precious girlfriend at her back and biting onto her neck gently this time, so she won't patch another bite mark.

She wasn't that surprised, after all, she always receive such things from Floyd every morning. She smiled sweetly, when Floyd broke the kiss. Tip toeing, she gave him a kiss in the cheeks while grabbing on his collar to support her weight.

Dating a tall person is quite a problem especially she's too small like Epel. Nevertheless, she didn't stop loving him.

That said, she has her own fears. Maybe if she's too clingy, he might leave her. That simple thing, indeed. Floyd however just felt like she's getting tired of him because of the sudden change. Before, she was so smiley like an idiot, So clingy like Floyd is her teddy bear.

Where is the Y/n he's looking for?

His eyes narrowed, pushing her away, but not in a rough manner. This confused her a little, since Floyd never did that, especially he said before that he likes her little gestures.

"F-Floyd...?" She says, but when she turned around, he's gone. For sure he's furious about something. A thing she hoped, She hoped that she wasn't the reason why he became mad.


The sudden avoidance made her get more worried. A time they were about to pass each other's side in a hallway, she could hear Floyd mumbling a 'tsk' with a disgusted face. Dear great sevens, her heart was shattered into pieces.

A plan came into mind, and it is the only thing she could do. Approach him whenever he likes it or not.

She burst into the dorm of Octavinelle without any emotion. Y/n cannot help it. If she made a mistake, she's ready to apologize. If there's a misunderstanding, she's ready to clear that up with her might. And if he wanted to break up with her... She won't let him, for sure.

"Floyd!" She raised her voice, not minding to add an 'excuse me' in her sentence. Floyd was cuddling his eel body pillow, glaring daggers at Y/n. He sat up a little bit, ruffling his hair and clicking his tongue.

"What do you want?" He asked.

She may flinch a little but she still walked closer to the bed of his. "Floyd... Why are you so angry?" She shot a question, eyes watering from the heart ache. "Did I do something wron-"

"Yes you did! Can't you realize what's your mistake?" uh oh... She didn't know at all.

Her hands trembled, but she held her hand to put a hand on his broad shoulder. "I-I'm sorry but... I don't know about that, F-Floyd..."

She tried not to annoy him more than that.

A happy Floyd can break one's bones,

A serious Floyd can give you nightmares and...

An annoyed Floyd can kill you without hesitation, she know him that well and she isn't an exception.

However, He pulled her closely, Burying his face on her chest. "Y/n..."

"I love the Y/n that's clingy and touchy. Not the new Y/n. I hate the new Y/n."

There it goes, He always calls her by 'little shrimp' but now is quite something. This Older Leech wanted to be pampered.

Without warning, he squeezed her ass with his free hand, earning a yelp from the lady. "F-Floyd...?! Sheesh!"

She pouted and soon smiled, hugging him tightly like how she does before.

You showered him with kisses whom he likes the best, cuddling on his bed as the two of you plopped beside each other. "Sorry about that, Floyd"

He didn't respond and just trapping you with his arms and legs, Not letting you go away. "This is a punishment, my little shrimp~ You must charge me up since I'm not feeling your love too much!"

"Yes, yes. Anything for you, My dear adorable eel"

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