(READER INSERT) Yandere!Malleus Draconia x Reader

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Req by sanata101

thanks for your requests~! I really enjoy making everyone's request to the point that I cannot sleep if I can't make a proper chapter lol. That doesn't matter though. Again, thank you very much!!

It's my first time to make yandere. Bear with me 2x


"Mal-Mal!!" She called out, taking the attention of the Diasomnia gang. "Oh, Lady Y/n, do you have something to discuss with Young Master?" says Sebek who's faking his smile towards you while Lilia clung into your arm "Join us, Little one. We're going to the cafeteria now"

you nodded and even smiled at Malleus when he turned into you. Not even realizing that he's already wanting to strangle Lilia and Sebek

Pulling you onto him, "Let's go, Y/n, my dear" with his usual gentle smile that he only shows to you.




"Hey... is that real?"

"you mean, these horns? yes it is"

"Woah!! It's beautiful. It suits you well uh..."

"Malleus, Malleus Darconia"

"Mhm! Malleus. But I'll call you Mal-Mal from now on! I'm Y/n L/n by the way. Call me anything you want"

"Is Y/n okay?"

"Mhm! I really like my name so.. ehehehe~"

He's always there every time I have problems... He's always there to teach me what should I do. Falling in love with someone from my dream. Yet I wonder, will I be able to meet him in person?


another vacant was given to every class to finish every work that was given to them. Good thing that you've already finished your work. And overly excited when you saw Malleus looking at you from the tree in the courtyard

"Y/n, Will you always believe in me?" He shot a question to you while holding onto your hand, making circles with his thumb

"What's wrong? You look so down..." Moving a hand to caress his cheeks. His eyes widened in surprise. He just let your hands have contact with his skin, even making him happier that he felt you're only liking him more with this "Of course i will always believe you. You don't lie to even me, even in my dreams, Malleus, my dear"

"If i told you I like you? Will you still stay by my side?"

"Mhm! I will always be. After all, I also do"

His heartfelt warm as they shared their first kisses to each other. "Y/n... will you listen to everything i like"

"Will do, my love" Malleus secretly smirked as the two of you melted into another kiss

And at that moment, they made their vows to each other. Y/n didn't feel any regrets about this, even being imprisoned for many days just to stick with her only lover whom she loves

"Who told you to talk with another man without my permission?" Glaring at you, He again gave you love bites that proves you're his. Not bothering to place it somewhere people can see.

That next day, That person committed suicide. You already know what's the reason for this. You just smiled, and left, heading to the Dorm of his

"I see what you've done, My dear"

"Did you love my gift to you?"

"Yes, indeed..."

Completely fine, as long as e always has his reasons to tell you. After bidding each other's a goodbye, Lilia showed up to talk with you. Talking in someplace where Malleus doesn't know.

"Y/n, just what has happened to you? Did Malleus gave some strange looking food to you?"

"What are you talking about, Lilia? He didnt. I believe him, and I'll always be. If you don't have anything else to talk to talk with me, I'm going to leave"

Not believing each statement you told him, he didn't gave up like that. He followed you like a stalker, Until you felt uncomfortable each day that continued. Malleus noticed, You even told him how Sebek treats you everytime he wasn't there.

Next three days, Lilia and Sebek wasn't anywhere to be found. Their belongings was left in their rooms. Silver gone mad and started complaining about this. In the next moment, he was found hanged in his own room, lifeless

Y/n wasn't informed about any of these, so she asked after a week those happened "My love, Where have they gone to?"

"You mean them? They've went somewhere that's way too far from here. See? their belongings isn't here anymore." he excused himself

"Oh dear, they didn't even inform me. I wish they are fine..."

"They are indeed fine. No one can bother them anymore. So don't worry" He says with his mischievous smirk


(Sorry if it's horrible)

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