>>READER INSERT<< Yandere!Idia x Reader x Yandere!Leechtwins

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Requested by: SeaCatWeabu

Warnings: Angst, Death, yandere, suicide and so on XD

Notes: I can't believe how horrible i can be when i was making this.... Oh well, please enjoy. Let me know if this chapter isn't to your liking.


The look in their eyes could already prove that they're planning something bad. But for them to work together was a great mystery for the other students to discover. The infamous twins and the Ignihyde's dorm leader, wishing for a magic-less human to be their property.

Jade was there, watching his brother being so friendly with you. Idia is somewhere unknown, but he's using his devices to stalk you. Neither of them knows, they're actually tricking themselves. They're going to betray each other, for the sake of that toxic love, their obsession towards the female prefect. 

"Heeey little shrimpy~ Drink this, will you~? I made this for the whole night, you know~?" Floyd handed you a vial. He absolutely doesn't care if you'll know it's a dangerous potion, causing him to fail to approach you. "S-sorry senpai, I-I'm busy..." You quickly ran away, avoiding the danger.

"Oh, Floyd. This is the 7th time you failed, aren't you going to give up?" Jade asks his brother with his usual tone and smile. 

"Of course not, Jade" he clicks his tongue then soon left the hallway of the school. Everyone could say he's in a bad mood with his dark aura. His twin only chuckles softly as he heads for his next subject, waiting to be attended. "I'll be the one who'll steal her heart, Floyd"

The Ignihyde's dorm leader was at his room, hacking every cctv camera he could use to look for you. Every action were memorized, and your schedule is known by him. Such an easy pattern to be followed, like you who were always being spied by him, day and night.

"I think i should make my move too..." He mumbles to himself while watching you on his computer's screen. "Heh, those twins are too weak. I'll be one who can steal her heart... and not them"

He took your photos on his drawer, staring at your face which is very intoxicating to one's eyes. Yet he clicked his tongue in disgust since that photo he took has your idiotic friends in it "Seems like i need to kill the heartslabyul duo first, huh..." he planned to kill Jack next, thinking that he's not a very easy opponent. "After i defeat the boss, I'll receive a wonderful reward and that is..."

"Y/n L/n..."




"Hm...? That's weird" You say as you search for an item in your bag. "My P.E. uniform is gone..." You started to worry. Without that uniform, for sure you'll be scolded by Ashton Vargas. Plus, order you to make an apology note. 

"Hm...~? What's wrong, little shrimp~?" You chose not to face him, thinking something bad will happen. "You're looking for your uniform, right~?"

That statement made you tremble a little. "W-where did you find that, Senpai?" You politely ask him, being very careful not to make him mad.

"The mackerel gave it to me~!" No way, Deuce cannot do that. he just left earlier. You wanted to blurt all of those out, however, Floyd is Floyd. He can kill anyone by just glaring at people, or even...

"Um... Thanks..." as you were about to take your uniform on his hand, he purposely dropped your uniform and pulls you close, kissing that soft lips of yours. The way he holds your wrists is very painful, and for sure, it'll leave a bruise.

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