>>READER INSERT<< Malleus Draconia x Reader

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Requested by: Fflakies

Huehue you made me think something weird, my lovely reader~ (not lying)

I'm sorry if i didn't follow your request. The reader here isn't, forgive me. And became a little bit cheeky if you may say. 

Please let me know if it's not to your liking, thank you very much.


At the nearby bench of the ramshackle dorm, she usually draws every night to record the dreams of hers that she could remember correctly. Y/n dislikes doing this every morning since she has those idiot friends that will brag about her artworks

With the help of her magic, she gathered fireflies to make her see her sketches under the shadows of the night.

Putting her earphones in, she played her favorite song and started making her draft.

Once upon a dream, she met a man with horns. He was feared by many but he's actually kind and gentle. However, because of the people's attitude, he hid his real smiles behind the fake ones.

Y/n could remember properly about those things they talked about. Their sad past that made deep scars in their hearts, and how they enjoyed their time by eating ice creams-

Those are all dreams, though she treasured all of the moments they had.

Nightly strolls, is what he always called. But those strolls weren't to be called nightly anymore, ever since yet another one of his guard was summoned to the school he is attending.

Malleus went to his favorite abandoned building, The Ramshackle dorm where lots of ghosts gather in the scare people. It was amusing, he thought when he first heard about it from Lilia.

Lights are closed, as usual, since it's abandoned, alright. But he's wrong.

Outside of that dorm, a child of human is... drawing... something...?

He recognized the earphones since Lilia uses it often, And if the music they are playing is loud, they won't be able to notice people approaching them. And so, he dd.

Peeking far from behind, His eyed widened. Not just because of how detailed the work is. It's because... That child of human is drawing him-

She hummed playfully, following every single beat of the music. She raises the sketchpad, noticing a huge shadow from behind. Was it Jack? The leech twins? Or-


She raised her voice when she saw her friend, from her dreams.

"Malleus?! That's you right...?!" Placing the sketchpad, She approached the man and cupped his cheeks. "Am I dreaming right now? I thought you just exist in my dreams! Do you remember me, Malmal~?" She sang out, smiling sweetly at Malleus.

How cheeky... he thought, grabbing her wrists gently. "I do not know you, human. However, you look familiar."

She was a little bit saddened by the fact he didn't know her but a bulb lightened up inside her. "Malleus..." She says, with her eyes shining.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream..." She sang, clasping her hands to his, expecting him to remember even for a little bit of their time together.

To her surprise, Malleus continued that song, pulling Y/n close to him and let him gaze of her eyes. "I know you... That look in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam..."

Y/n smiled ever so sweetly. Her little plan did work, and that's enough to stop the drama she's starting but...

"Sorry if I forgot about you... (nickname)" He returned the gesture and kissed your hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you in real life, My darling"

Yes, they've been dating for the longest time, but only in their wildest dreams. In the piece of their world, where they enjoyed each other's presence.

Waltzing under the moon, fireflies surrounded them as he continued the song "And I know it's true. That visions are seldom all they seem" She smiled, squeezing his hand tightly, singing the next verse while looking deeply at his eyes, looking at his sincerity

"But if I know you, I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once. The way you did..."

"....Once upon a dream..." Their faces got close, feeling each other's hot breaths. Closing their eyes, their lips pecked. For the sake of their inner beasts, they didn't continue to kiss one more time and just shared one's warmth by sharing a hug.

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