(READER INSERT) Leona Kingscholar x Reader

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Requested by: sanata101


Just how hard could it be to be born in a wealthy family?

All the commoners knew, royals and nobles were just chilling in their whole lives bathing in money, jewelry, and such.

But no.

They're wrong.

Why are there a lot of wealthy families fell down on an unexpected date? It's because... someone's targeting their lives. To take over the possession of others to become theirs.

...That's just how life works

"Leona! Leona!" she shouted, all so pale with the scratches in her limbs. Running away from home, that's already burning, turning into ashes.

Such great Palace she lived, No one ever attacked them. Her parents are kind enough to supply the town with food for free, even gave a home for the people who didn't have one.

Now, why?



Why are they so GREEDY?!

"Leo- Hmph!" a hand caught her wrist, dragging her somewhere. She can properly smell who is it. The person whom she loves, The only childhood friend she has; Leona Kingscholar, second Prince of Afterglow Savanna

"Keep on with me, if you don't want to die" he mumbled. No time to speak, she just nodded. She wanted to survive. And she'll do ANYTHING to survive.

as they entered a mirror portal to the Savannah, the guards were shocked to see their Prince, holding the Princess from Pyroxene that's full of scratches here and there. They didn't hesitate to guide them to the Palace's doctor. That they would be able to heal the young Princess injuries.

The moment she was presented to the doctor, The prince himself let his parents knew about it, Earning a "yes" from the bottom of their hearts, Remembering the kindness of her family.

"Pyroxene's people are something else..." Farena, Leona's brother says.

"Hmph. They're just hungry for money" he replied and turned his back. "...Leona" His brother called. He stopped tho didn't look back at him

"Remember what mother and father said... For her sake too"




"How's Y/n?"

"most of her injuries are healed by magic but the only one that's left is the scar in her cheek."

From the open door, Leona could see. The young Princess who's looking at the window, watching the birds that are chirping in the nearby tree. He smiled at the sight

"...Got it. You may leave" he said, The doctor also noticed the way he smiled and just excused himself, giving the royalties a privacy "Excuse me then, Prince Leona"

The prince entered the room where his Princess will live from now on. Quietly closing the wide doors not to bother the exhausted one.

"Y/n L/n" he called, Earning the attention of her. "Y-Yes..?"

Her voice has weakened but she still smiled at her. The sun illuminates her beauty as well as her scar in the right cheek. "What's... wrong?"

he sighed as he took the seat near her bed. "Are you still hurt?"

"hum... no. Th-Thanks to you.."

a tear rolled down through her cheeks after she answered which she noticed "Oh my..."

about to wipe her own tears, but Leona took his chance to brush her tears with his gentle fingers. She can't still believe it, Her heart is aching from the past sights.

Y/n cried even more, reminding the death of her beloved parents and sibling in front of her. Letting her run away while they're tearing u

"Sister... Please Live!"

"Run away!"

"leave us alone! Run as fast as you can!"

"Y/n, my child... Live!"

painful memories struck her mind, that soon stopped as the Prince pulled her into a warm hug. "Don't cry. It makes me feel like I was the one who made you cry" he whispered as he gave her a kiss in the forehead to calm her down

"I-I'm sorry...! I-I-I'm so... Sorry..." she cried out, not caring how painful it is to speak out loud with her dry throat from screaming that time.

"say, Y/n..." Caressing her back. "Why not become the Princess of this place? Father keeps on bothering me about it"

she raised her head, utterly nervous and confused at the same time "Is it..." she paused, "Is it... because your father told you so..?"

"It's because I want you too"






"Tsk... yeah yeah"

She finally smiled. Pulling Leona this time to kiss him on the lips. She can feel him flinch from her touch but not she cares anyway. After some moment, he gave up. Melting into the kiss with his precious one. When they broke the kiss, Leona took her hand to his and asked

"should i take that as a yes, My lady?"

"W-Well... Why not?"

giving his last kiss for the day on her pale little hand. "I'll treasure you than my sleep, Y/n"

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