>>READER INSERT<< Vil Schoenheit x Reader

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Requested by: ArishaJDias

I'm very sorry that it took a lot of time for me to update.

Also, May I know if you (readers) requested something but I didn't do it yet? I forgot to add some of it to my lists and it got buried by the recent notifications... Again, I'm really sorry.

Good luck with everyone's online class btw. Don't give up~!

Warning: angst, lots of time-skip since my mind is blank at the moment lmao

She wasn't 'that' pretty nor wealthy.

Y/n was just a normal villager who fell in love with their country's crowned prince.

Because of the last festival parade where the prince named 'Vil Schoenheit' attended for the first time, the normal and boring-looking lady's eyes lit up, seeing such beauty of the man.

Striving to become closer to the prince, Y/n became a maid of the palace, knowing she won't have any chance to win the prince's heart

Yet, she didn't give up despite the harsh treatment of the prince towards her.

"Why are you here again? Your presence makes me sick!"

Throwing a bottle of perfume in front of you, of course, the glass of it shattered, causing the strong scent of the perfume to linger in the room. That perfume was a gift by a princess in the neighboring country and it was just sent to him earlier. This only means he doesn't like the smell of it.

Vil clicked his tongue. He didn't blurt any word as he left the room. Even if it wasn't ordered for you to clean up the mess, you also didn't want to get in trouble and get kicked out of the palace, only to be teased by the people because of not cleaning up the broken container of expensive perfume.

"My presence makes him sick, huh..." Gritting your teeth to stop the tears from flowing out, you rushed to open the windows of the huge room so the strong scent won't stay in the room, also not letting the other belongings of the crowned prince smell like that.

"Thinking about that won't do anything to me anyways" forcing a smile, you carefully picked up the broken glass and sets it aside, starting to clean up including the other mess.

"Just give up already...! I'm not into you!"

Vil yelled in rage as he thought you'll give up and leave the palace immediately yet you didn't.

He watched you at his magic mirror thoroughly, checking if you're doing something else in his room besides cleaning. Since if you did, and if he has proper evidence, you'll get kicked out of the palace easily.

"Hmph, let's see..." Lip curled into a smirk, he plotted something you cannot expect to happen. He's not into you, and he won't be. "There's no way I could fell in love with a scullery maid"

Eyeing the nearest guard, the evil look on his face never fades. "You, can you see this maid in the mirror? Oh well, of course, you do"

He has known his guard for the longest time and that guard never dared to betray him, not even once.

"What do you want me to do with her, Prince Vil?" Rook politely asked even though he sort of know what is the Prince's plan.

"Kill her in the forest since she loves going there."

Epel who's been listening beside Rook the whole time was shocked. Epel was your only cousin and you two were pretty close with each other. He cannot let you die, he cannot let them hurt you no matter what happens--

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