>>READER INSERT<< Alchemi Alchemivich Pinkaa x Reader (lemon)

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Che'nya has a very long name but mine is longer XD
Requested by: The_ToastyTiger_


This one hell of a cat man was really surprised when you invited him to your dorm. Despite of not knowing him well, you smiled at him like an angel, offering a tart that you made. Liking the taste of it, he nodded in response. "As long as nya feed me lots of tarts~" He winked at you.

As the night comes... he really did show up

Wearing such loose clothes, you couldn't blame him for that because you too are wearing an oversized shirt and shorty shorts. "Good evening, Che'nya"

Unbeknownst to you, he's planning something malicious as he entered the dorm. he watches every action you do, how your hips sway sexily as you walk, and how your over-sized shirt reveals your breasts as you bow.

"This is pure bliss, nya~" he smiles innocently.

"Here's your tart, like what you requested this morning" He already had dinner back at his school's cafeteria. All he needed is the tart made by you, that dessert which you made with love!

"Thanks, ~!" eating his dessert by hand, he chews his food cutely, expecting for you to fall in his trap which will send shivers in your spine. "Nyalicious...~" he praises you.

"I'm grateful that you loved it, Che'nya..." The way you lick your lips, it's making him think about something else. His member became hard all of sudden, already begging for it to be released. "Hm...? Che'nya, what's wrong?"

getting up from the couch, you went beside him. He quickly crossed his legs to hide his bulge, yet you didn't really help at all. You being so close to him, your scent is so intoxicating and it's making him crazy. "I-I'm okay... nya'y guess?"

going closer to him, you accidentally pressed your breasts to his arms. Not noticing a thing, you placed your hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. "You're hot..."

'yes I'm very hot, Y/-chan~ sarcastically joking in his mind, he pulled you close to him and guides your hand to his bulge. "Look at what you've done, Y/n...~"

unlike the usual, he didn't use his 'cat puns'. His tone was serious yet seductive enough to fluster you. "C-Che-nya...!?" Trying your best to push him away, too bad, you were the one who got tackled down on the couch. "So cute..." the male giggled softly before he could make his next move.

"You're so weak... I'm so thankful for that" kissing your neck, he grabbed both of your wrists and pins these on top of your head. "Gosh, you're sweeter than the tart you made"

Trembling, you didn't know what exactly are you feeling. What you only know is, your whole body is begging for more. Moaning his name when he slides his hand in your shirt, caressing your body ever so gently, treating you like a fragile glass. Destroying you is easier than stealing sweets at the dorm of heartslabyul, and eating you up is better than eating the best tarts he ever had. "I-I feel.. weird...~!" you said this as you let him do whatever he wanted with your body.

He removes your shorts and panties, ready to devour you wholely. Che'nya licks his lips like so, then, pressing it to your drenched folds.

A very loud moan escapes your mouth, telling him to do it more. Being drowned in pleasure with the person who was in between your legs at the moment, savoring your sweet juices, and decorating your thighs with his marks.

He inserts a finger inside your virgin hole, curling it as he looks for your g-spot. He really is getting impatient, he wanted to insert his shaft inside you, and make you beg for more-

being a 'nice person' he is, he'll make this painless for you. When you became loose around his index finger, he shoves another finger and thrusts it against your special spot. You unconsciously squeeze his fingers with your inner walls, receiving a very sexy smirk from the man you didn't know that well.

"Mghn...~!" voluntarily spreading your legs for him, you closed your eyes shut. "Che-nya... p-please...~" not knowing what will he do next, you kept your eyes shut. However, at that moment, he stopped before you could climax.

Breathing heavily, you were confused for some reason. Why did he stop? that question was answered when you heard something being unwrapped. Was it a candy, perhaps? He loves sweets so that's the only thing that came inside your mind.

"Fufufu...~ i can't wait to explore nyar hole~" as he wore the condom, he teases your drenched entrance with the tip of his cock. "it already feels so good~"

Slowly inserting it inside you, tears went rolling down on your cheeks. It hurts a little, thankfully he prepared your hole first. "Che'nya- Aaah....~!?" Blood mixes up with your pre-cum as he finally inserted his whole size. Your virginity is stolen by him, and he's ready to proceed the vulgar actions he's making.

Thrusting slowly, he leaned in to suck your nipples, to distract you from the pain you're feeling. Like what he expected, you moaned softly.

He never moved fast until you suggest him to do so. His hand went wandering on your body, finding it's way to your clitoris. The cat's fingers pinches your pearl gently, making you cum accidentally.

"Eh...~?" He sighs in disappointment. "We only started, nya~" lifting your legs and rests it on his shoulder, he pulls his member out from the tip and slams his member in, hitting your womb hard. Mercilessly fucking you is the best for him, he's a cat after all.

Thinking he shouldn't have used condom, he became greedier. Imagining you to bear his child makes him very happy. Too bad for him, this is the path he has chosen. Maybe he'll impregnating you next time you'll do it with him. "Fuck...~!" He moans, abusing your g-spot and unconsciously cumming on the condom he's wearing.

He continues to pleasure you and himself. Your sensitivity made you drool, not caring of how you look right now. You felt that you released something, that white, sticky thing.

Chen'nya pulls it out and removes the condom, full of his seed and covered with your cum. Opening another one, he wore it properly, for the sake of his sanity.

"...i want more" you mumbled, yet loud enough for him to hear it. "Do that again to me, Che'nya..."

Eyes widened, his lip curled into a playful smirk. That's what he's been waiting for, he's been waiting for you to say that line. Licking his lips, he readies himself for the so called second round of love making at the ramshackle dorm's lounge.

"As nya wish, Y/n-chan~"

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