(READER INSERT) Ignihyde x reader

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req by: @DP2810


As usual, going to the Ignihyde dorm became your daily chore- no, it became your hobby.

Making your own way there, Ortho came to welcome you, "Y/n-neesan! Y/n-neesan! can you ask my brother to take me outside?? I want to sleep in your dorm~!"

"My, my! that's a wonderful request. I also wanted to take you outside for a change of environment. Or else, you'll also become a shut-in like your brother if you just stick with him" clasping his hands to yours, he escorted you to his brother's room.

knocking at the door, "Nii-san! Nee-san came to visit you!" he informed. Not hearing any reply, Ortho came in and signalling you to come inside as well, the two of you saw Idia in front of his precious computers typing and mumbling something. "Idia, dear~" you said but he didn't reply

slightly annoyed, you noticed that he has his earphones on and guessed that he's playing music way too loud. Approaching him, you took one of his earphones, shocking him which shocked you too

He's listening to your songs~

(not moaning okeh? but tbh, I wanna put here that 'he's listening to your moanings that was recorded while doing it with him' but let's make you in this chapter innocent lol)

making you blushingly mess. "I-Idia... you could just tell me to sing for you if you want to" pouting, he touched your cheeks but looking at the other side. Peeking at his face, you that his cheeks are slightly tinted by pink. About to pinch his cheeks but he took your idea, making himself pinch yours. "Ah Ouch!"

"wh-what are you... doing here... by the way...?"

rubbing the pinched cheeks of yours, you answered like this "will you let me take Ortho to the Octavinelle dorm?"

"w-wha....?" jaw- dropped, he faced you will worry. Making himself speak straightly "I won't let you take him. Will not, and Never will"

"I'll take him with me then, thanks~" Taking Ortho by the arm, gently, you went back with him. Making the child itself so happy "Yay~! Nee, nee-chan, can I sleep beside you~?"

"sure why not~?"

~~~~~~back at the Ignihyde...

"Y-Y/n... took my brother... She... my future wife... took my brother... she... she...But she's... in the underwater...They might... Ortho... Ugh" biting the tip of his fingers, he decided to do something to take his brother back from his unbelievable fiancee


"what do you want to play, Ortho?"

"hm.. you've got a huge collection here! How about this?" pointing at the game, you took it without hesitation and played it with him

even as a mermaid that is different to your octopus brother, Azul, You got used to the land even faster than him, even with a different kind of specie you are. And, became a top gamer. Then meeting Idia in the Internet when you were streaming.

*knock* *knock*

disturbing the game by these knocks, not letting the child beat you, you answered while playing "Yea? who is it?"

"Its Azul. Y/n, don't be like your stupi- I mean Idia." entering the room, he greeted Ortho which gave him a smile back. "His brother is waiting for you at the lounge. He needs to talk with you."

"Nii-san, can you call my Idia here?"

cannot refuse you since you are with a guest, he just nodded then tsk under his breath. "Bro I can hear you. Do you want me to expose your childhoo-"

"Will do, will do and please stop that talk. It might give me nightmare" sweat-dropped, he straightly headed to the lounge to inform his soon to be Brother-in-law.

"Ortho, did your brother teach you games?"

"Mhm, everytime he has free time"

"Oho... no wonder you're good at this"

"no way nee-san! you're wa~y more better than me!"

Then so, the game ended. Another knock was heard, "Y/n" it said. Knowing who is it, you let him in. He came with his hoodie on, covering his face "good thing that brother knows you. Or else people will call you 'witch'" closing the door at his back, he found your room good-looking since it's also dark and filled with gadgets, books, and games in shelves. Approaching your man, you removed the hood of his hoodie off to show his face then tiptoeing, to kiss him. This is the normal of all greetings you've done with him, Which he kissed you back, like a married couple.

"Can I take my brother back already?" asked him "hm... if you win a game that is."

"What game?"

"ehehehe~ UNO Cards!"

joining the conversation, Ortho said "Ooh! interesting!"

"Since our little brother said yes, why not, Honey?"

those words... it's intoxicating

giving her a smirk, he agreed to play the game. Not bothering to re-explain the rules, the two of you played the game 'seriously' while Ortho watched the two of you at your side. Since you're nice enough, you choose the card while Ortho will drop it. The game continued, they played like they weren't a couple and gives off a bunch of plus 4s which made the two glare at each other.

"Nee-san~ can i take a nap at your lap for a bit? the game is taking way too long already..."

"well sure~" agreeing at the child's little request, you even caress his hair to make him fall asleep faster.

"tsk. Lucky you Ortho. I want a Nee-chan service too" he mumbled. Acting like you didn't hear it, you just laughed it off.

when Idia dropped a red-one card, A smile formed at your face. Why you ask? all you have are block cards and one plus 4

Dropping all of your cards, Your fiancee flinched. Minding the sleeping Ortho at your lap, "My win~!" you said.

"tch" he then dropped all of his cards revealing all plus 4 which you thought: "good thing that it's my turn then"

"honey... take care of Ortho for me then." accepting his defeat, he stood up and about to leave but, you tugged at his hoodie signalling him not to go "Ah uh... Honey... it's already dark outside. Why not have your dinner and spend the night here?" you offered

"i guess... Programming can wait anyways."

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