(READER INSERT) Diasomnia x reader

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req by: @DP2810

thanks for your requests (which killed me) @DP2810~! Even so, I'm grateful that you did request something for me to do


living as an idol in your universe, you got caught up into something that someone dragged into a creepy carriage when your live concert came to an end. You just woke up dressed in cult-like ceremonial clothes and said to be non-magic user and got bullied but because of your talents and beauty, you became second to Vil Schoenheit.

to support yourself you did many modeling and as well as talent showing to earn money in the world of Twisted Wonderland.

Now that your sleeping magic came to life, The headmaster summoned you to the mirror chamber to decide a dorm for you. "at last! Goodbye Ramshackle!"

"state thy name"

"Y/n L/n"

"Dark magic... this fae is deserved by the Diasomnia."

and so, you did.

Moving into somewhere is hard. Packing your clothes, textbooks and such, but you didn't give up. Since a good opportunity to have an official dorm. Many should be able to accept you there.

Crowley guided you there as well as help you carry your things.

men in a dorm uniform came to greet the two you, with "Oh, Mr. Draconia. I see that you're way too welcome to your new dorm mate." Crowley said with a smile. But you the man called Draconia by the headmaster looked way too familiar to you and is also your friend. "Ah!! Tsunotaro!"

slightly Giggling, "My my, I wasn't informed that this little one will be the newbie"

"As I thought~! It's you Tsunotaro" relieved, you were even so sure that you don't know anyone that resides there. Taking the baggage on the dean's hands, the dean then excused himself that he'll be busy. "I'll leave miss Y/n to you, Mr. Draconia"

"please leave her to me" turning his heels, he left


"stop calling young master like that, you lowly human!" says the guy with a green hair. "Sebek, don't call her that, got it?" Says Lilia-senpai who usually helps you in the library.

"m' lady, let me guide you in your room," says the boy with a gray hair

"ah uh... Okay, but please don't call me like that! it's embarrassing..."

covering your blushing face with your hands, the group of men looked at you as you blush, making their heart race.

while going there, they began to introduce themselves. It just makes you feel shame when Malleus introduces himself but you really don't know him by name which Sebek did explain to you. "such an interesting human you are... Not even knowing who am I, Now that you knew it, you didn't even avoid me."

"This will be your room." Silver said. As the others who helped you carry your bags entered your room and place them on the floor "thank you very much for your help, everyone." slightly bowing to show your gratitude towards them, "call us if you need some help" they then left you to give you privacy to unpack your things.

time has passed, afternoon came. Slightly tired because you're already used to this kind of work, you changed to the dorm uniform that was left by Lilia at the bed of yours.

just for going down by the stairs, the students that have gathered in the dining room set their eyes on you. Just for giving you this attention makes you nervous that you looked down at your feet, Looking at your black and green colored heels.

"I'm like a villain queen by this suit. Not that I care anyway."

hearing a clap which echoed around the room, It was Malleus, "My, My, Look your gorgeous looking you are with that uniform." he praised.

Acting like a gentleman, he gently took you by hand and escorting you to your seat.

Lilia stood up, and held his glass up saying, "Now, now, everyone, Let us celebrate the welcome party of our only School idol which will now reside here in Diasomnia."


sitting beside Sebek and Silver made you nervous but as time passes, you became comfortable with them. You also did start a chat about how you felt while entering the dorm of theirs. Which made them laughing.

"I thought that she's just a nuisance... but she's actually kind," Sebek thought as he let out a smile and a sigh while looking at you

"Sebek-san? what's wrong?" waving in front of him, you just noticed that he's lovestruck that it made you giggle





~ the next day~

walking around the school for some exercise, You saw a familiar figure in the ground "N-ngya?! Silver-senpai?!" running towards the figure, you shook his shoulders, worrying at him "Nnh... Hm..? Y/n?"

"don't sleep there! you look like a dead person especially that pale skin of yours! wait... don't tell me...you have insomnia"

getting up from the ground, She held her fingers to the bags under his eyes

"Silver-senpai, I'm going to visit your room tonight. Don't you dare to scape."

without any second thoughts, he also wanted to be healed and sleep soundly so he nodded.

That night, she snuck out of her room, going straightly at Silver's room with medicine in hand. Slightly knocking, you ented the room when he said: "come in"

"senpai, Here" handing him the medicine, "sniff it and you're done"

"i-is it that strong...?" he asked "seriously! just lie down in your bed and RELAX YOURSELF. Trust me, you'll fall asleep fast"

doing what you said, he fell asleep like a rock. Poking his cheeks to check if he's already asleep, you then bid your goodbye to the 'sleeping handsome' by giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead and "Goodnight, senpai"

Leaving his room, a small figure greeted you "Oh my, there's a girl at night coming from a man's room~" says Lilia

"th-that's not it. I just gave him medicine for his insomnia.."

"Hm.. is that so?" scooping you to a bridal style, he then brought you to your room "w-wait Lilia-san! Th-this..!"

"you misunderstood it, My dear. I just need a companion to sleep since I also can't sleep thinking about something," he said


"*giggles* I won't touch you or anything. "

dragging you at the bed of his, feeling shame to yourself. He trapped you by his arms, but in the end, you felt comfortable and fell asleep on his arms "just how cute can you be... Y/n my dear?" Lilia thought as he hugged you tighter and snaked his legs to yours





"Lord Malleus, Lady Y/n has gone missing!" storming at Malleus' Room, Sebek informed

"wha- what did you just say?" panicking, he decided to look for Lilia that he might know something about her getting missing.

not bothering himself to knock, he slammed the door open, just finding his most trusted friend holding his beloved, sleeping like a rock on his chest "Malleus, keep it down. She might wake up" Lilia scolded

Finding her in someone else's arms pains him but... looking at her sleeping like this, makes her heart lighten up from happiness

"You really... won't change aren't you?"

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