(READER INSERT) Riddle Rosehearts x Reader x Overblot!Riddle

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requested by: user76038946

this one is quita hard to make but i did my best for you^^ <3


The moment Riddle over blotted, no one expected that his over blot form would take a human form like him. Since he has no family, the headmaster kindly took him in. To avoid Confusing someone, They changed his name as Riddles Crowley. Not to mention, Riddles was sorted to Heartslabyul, too.

As Riddle's girlfriend, he warned you. 'don't get too close to him.' Which you followed but, it was the second Riddle who keeps on approaching you, causing Riddle to drag you with him everywhere.

Missing the second Riddle's presence, she noticed that she also fell in love with Riddle's half. Y/n asked for her friends some advice to do, they just said 'Choose the one that makes your heart skip' somehow, that didn't help. You've won Riddle's mother's favor, now you're breaking with him because of his other half? that would get your neck fall down in the ground! considering how Riddle's mother likes you so much that she's already planning the wedding of you and her son

She cursed to herself, looking at the second Riddle that's reading a book in the courtyard. "Why in hell did I fell in love with you too, Riddles?"

"...and what do you mean by that, Y/n?" voice that isn't affectionate, oh no. This is not right. she thought to herself as she faced the real Riddle. "you can't joke right now, Y/n. I swear myself that I heard '-too' in your sentence"


"I also heard from your friends in the cafeteria, about how YOU fell in love with THAT person" he pointed at his half in the courtyard that seems to notice them talking about him.

"Now tell me, who do you love the most? Me, the real one or him, my half?" glaring at the smaller one, he crossed his arms

"...it's... neither, Riddle. I can't... But, My feelings for you is still the same! I swear!" though, her words didn't enter his heart. "That's a lie, Y/n."

He's right, she lost her feelings for him long ago. She's just scared to break up with him. She's just scared to lose her head, She's just... feeling pathetic. Afterall, Riddle and Riddles are the same, however, they're just not in the same body.

"Every time you say a lie, there's always a 'i swear' at the end of your sentences. We've been together for a long time, do you think you could trick me?"

she's all hopeless and powerless facing her lover. No one in the world expected this, not even her. Y/n began to tear up as she looked down, letting her tears drip on its way to the hallway's ground

"What do you think you're doing, Riddle?!" such a familiar voice echoes the place, revealing one's eyes that's filled fire; Riddles Crowley

"Don't you dare, fake"

"I'm not a fake, Riddle"

(is this Yamanbagiri and Chougi's fight? aye yo wtf)

Riddles sided Y/n, brushing her tears away. Riddle was already jealous, clutching his fists. "Stop that, Riddle!" The real one yelled, making the other one smirk

"Stop? Why would I? I'm taking Y/n with me. Say, Y/n. Mind breaking up with him? I'll treat you better than him, no Queen of Hearts rules intended." her heart skipped a beat to this offer. No, she can't accept that. No one will know what would happen in the future. She shook her head in disagreement, earning a 'tsk' from the second and a light smile from the real one

"Let's settle this in a way that you two would agree" you requested. After some time, they looked at each other "Sex" they both replied in sync. Y/n could swear herself this time, no matter what happens, she'll choose the rightful one once this ended



As so that, they went straight to her dorm; Ramshackle. While handing Grim to her friends for a while. No one could bother them there, Considering the dorm leader's room which she owned. All of them stripped until no clothes were on to their bodies. Their cheeks are tinted red, having one lie down on the large bed. "...Please do. Let's not waste any more time" tilting her head on the side.

The real one made a move first, kissing her lips passionately. Pinching her exposed nipple to open her mouth for entrance so their wet muscle would dance to each other, connecting themselves with a string of saliva. The second one cannot just watch, he made his own way to steal her lips, doing the same thing as Riddle did, much rougher though, making the woman dripping wet.

Going down, they both fondle her breast, one was sucked and one was licked. Y/n could feel the two smirking on her skin, definitely confident with their abilities, after all, this is a fight between them.

Riddles didn't waste any time and played with her clit, fingering her hole with one. Riddle doesn't care who comes on first. He gave her two marks on the neck, then licked her stomach. Riddle long knew that she's overly sensitive in her stomach, ears, and clit. That's right.

He followed one's movement sticking one finger to her hole, keeping the pace of the other one's finger. They added another, leaving 4 slender fingers inside her.

"I'm taking her first" Riddles said, pumping his member with his hand, "Heh, There's no way I'm letting you"Riddle responded. Resolving the problem with Rock-Paper-Scissors in which Riddle won.

"Well then, excuse me." Riddles took her place, turning her in all fours. Riddle is rubbing the tip of his on her hole. "Y/n, its yours" the second signaled. Once she sucked Riddles, Riddle entered her gently. Her hole is stretched nicely by them, making Riddle enter her without worries. Her muffled moans became vibrations to the other one while bobbing her head. They only have started but she climaxed that fast, Riddles moved his hips, holding the back of her head as he groaned heavily.

With a last thrust, the real one came inside her. Riddles also followed, climaxing in Y/n's mouth.

the young men breathed heavily, while she licked the remaining juices off her lips. She utterly gave up, her legs won't take it. She plopped in the bed, as so the two did too.

"who won?" Riddle asked, breathing heavily. snaking his arms around her waist. "It's me, right?" the other one asked

"No one. I'll choose you two and that's it" she responded. Making the two widened their eyes in surprise not so long then, give each other a 'tsk' and 'hmph'

"No matter what happens, i won't get friendly with this guy!"

"No matter what happens, i won't get friendly with this fake!" 

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