>>READER INSERT<< Epel Felmier x Reader

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This was requested by LunaBellBlue1994 and it is a part 2 of (READER INSERT) Epel Felmier x Reader. Yes, it's from my first book.

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Thankfully, the pie wasn't burnt. As it was out of the oven and left in the table to cool it down, the smell of the fresh apple being used to the delicacy lingers in the room, just like... his scent.

"What is this feeling...?" she asked to herself while bring a hand on her chest. Her heart is beating like crazy as if her heart strings will be snapped soon.

"Y/n...? Are you alright?!" A voice called onto her, helping her to get up from the cold floor. "Why are you sitting on the floor? The chairs are only beside you, y'know!" Epel scolded you, with a mix of worry in his tone, remembering that you're frail since birth. "Is your stomach hurting? Did you knees got weak? Tell me!"

"i..." She stuttered a little bit before continuing. " I'm sorry, Epel. My heart is beating so fast thinking about someone"

The last part made him silent. This man standing in front of her isn't that dense to figure it out. "Trey-senpai, huh..." He was the first one he thought of. He being helpful to her, even taught Y/n to bake Apple Pie, of course he is the one. "You like him, right?"

"Yes..." She answered truthfully. "I like everyone that's close to me" As she continued her answer, he was dumbfounded.

"I-I mean! You know, uh... how can I explain this...?" thinking for a better way of explaining what he really meant, he blushed while scratching his nape "What I mean is... Do you like Trey-senpai like... you wanted to marry him, spend your time with him almost every time, uh... in the other word, You like him romantically...?"

"No. It's not him I like romantically, I think..."

Brushing the little mess in her skirt, she eyed the pie as if to change the topic. Gulping, she grabbed the knife in the counter. "L-Lets eat, shall we?" not waiting for an answer, she cut the freshly made pastry, and placing it to each plate that'll be distributed to her friends and also the one who helped her baking it.

Setting those aside, she took one of the plates with a pie and cut with it her fork. Instead of taking a bite for herself, she bring that close to his mouth. "say 'aah', Epel-san"

"E-Eh?!" blushing redder than any, he refused to do so, he averted his gaze "...no way"

Her feelings are clear with his simple explanation that time. Smiling cheerfully, shetook a bite of the pie. Cupping Epel's face to bring it closer to her, she pressed her lips to his soft ones. As Epel let her shove her tongue in, he wrapped his arms to her waist.

They tasted the sweet taste of the pie, but it even got sweeter when the kiss got heated. Eyes are half lidded with their desires and their cheeks went red in that moment. "Mhmn...~" She moaned in the kiss when his hand caressed her ass.

They broke the kiss before they might go straightly to the forbidden yet sinful next level. Panting, they peered at each other's eyes shining oh so brightly with lust.

"Epel... I think i... i like you. No... I really like you" tugging on his blazer she rested her head to his chest, also to hide her red face. "I wonder if you feel... the same?"

nervousness strucked her like earlier but no worries, he smiled lovingly. Hugging her, he whispered his answer. Tears of joy rolled down to her cheeks as they shared another innocent kiss to each other's lips. 

"Yes, i do. Your love is sweeter than this apple pie, Y/n"

Behind the door, their friends were watching them made out. That was to be expected, Trey thought. Pushing the youngers ones away, he smiled. "Let them have fun, that's for the better"

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