(READER INSERT) Jamil Viper x reader

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Requested by: sanata101


Y/n felt so pale after heard such news from their master about her childhood friend who over blotted in their dorm. Is she the reason why he did that? She's been relying upon him ever since they're still small. Does Jamil think that she's a burden? that might be it.

She rushed over the hall of mirrors to the scarabia's dorm. Yet, the moment she arrived there, the atmosphere of the dorm feels normal as if there's nothing happened. Camels and Elephants are ready to have a parade, carrying lots of exotic food that smells like... Jamil's dishes?

"Hm...? Oh, Y/n!!" a call took her attention. She already knows the owner of that voice, Kalim Al-Asim, their master. "Kalim-sama, I see that you're in good healt-" "No need for that! I know the reason why you're here. Don't worry Jamil is okay." he says with his lips curled into a smile, dragging his servant into where the one is. The master who doesn't learn, still smiling like an idiot, telling everything that happened last time. How did they got thrown at the ends of the desert and how he cried in front of him after all of those things that happened

A wonderful smell coming from the wide and noisy kitchen. Orders can be heard, coming from the hooded man which she is looking for. "Jamil!" she exclaimed. The noisiness turned into peacefulness seeing a beautiful woman in a simple dress

He dropped the knife on the island of the kitchen, approaching her"Y-Y/n?! why are you here? i thought you're home already!" He's absolutely worried, not as how worried she is, though. She cannot help it but hug him forcefully with the other students looking at the unfolded scene

Kalim didn't care, while Jamil flinched in surprise. But hugged the woman back, hearing loud cheering at his back. "Woah!! Vice dorm leader has a Girlfriend!!" "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" "Love birds!!"

"Shut up animals! get to work, NOW!"

it is what she has heard, Jamil has changed for the better. Showing his real feelings unlike before. His fingers stuck a strand of hair behind her ear, whispering sweet words."Let's talk after this, okay?" and kissed her cheeks. "Mhm," she mumbled, stepping back. And following their master back to the lounge.

Some hours passed, hearing the whole story from their young master, they're set to go to the oasis with the large animals. Even if you're a woman, you walked through that place by foot. Servant is servant, that fact enough cannot change. The best part of that is you were walking by Jamil's side, grinning at each other while talking about the great times. However, she broke the fun, saying something that Jamil hated "I'm so sorry Jamil... I didn't know your pain over all of these years. For taking care of me and our master... I-I'm so sorry."

"..." they didn't stop walking. They're just halfway towards there. "It's not you. It's just Kalim" he says, taking one's hand to his. "Y/n, you've changed... Is there something happening back in your school? You don't blame yourself like that before"

She flinched at his sudden statement "Wh-what do you mean by that..?" she's nervous, indeed. He can easily read her like an open book, this only means... "Who are they? tell me, Y/n" his hand squeezed her hand to his, there was no response coming from her mouth. His expression darkened, as he asked one more time "Who are they, Y/n?" Y/n bit her lower lip, answering him "Jamil... We cannot fight them. They're nobles from the other country. We're powerless"

"Don't make me laugh, Y/n. Your unique magic is enough to make them shut up," he stated on which she JUST realize this moment "...Seriously? Are you kidding me?"

"Ugh... sorry, Jamil..." Jamil sighed at her idiotness this time. A power she holds deeply, It's overly powerful, not to mention, she can use it with just using a small amount of power and effort.

"Idiot, Know your place. Even if you're a lowly servant, you're powerful enough. Not because we're born like this, that doesn't mean we cannot fight them"

Her heart almost melted on this statement of his. That's right, no matter who you are, you have the right to stand for yourself. Statuses are just ranks, it's the brain we're talking about. She smiled gratefully, looking at the people around her "Jamil... thanks once again."

"sure" he chuckled "you're welcome, Y/n"

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