(READER INSERT) Silver x reader

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requested by: @aoxxy_


"Uhm... senpai...! Please teach me history!!" bowing in front of the man, you begged Silver, your senpai who's always silent but has the brains

"History? Sure." without hesitation he agreed, Making the cheerful twin sister of Lilia hug Silver.

Lilia might be over-protective when it comes to his sister so he only lets the people close to him approach his precious sister. Not to mention, she's BEING spoiled by his brother but she won't let him do much spoiling that it might affect her future.

They really are twins, born as an immortal. Y/n joined school later so she is now a 1st year. She's Cheerful as Lilia but she doesn't have any dark nature. Not at all. Like an angel that is being dragged to Diasomnia by his brother.

after some minutes that Y/n explained all of the parts she cannot understand, Silver began to tutor Y/n.

Giving her some quizzes to answer while he watches her, So she won't cheat.

"This part is wrong Y/n"

pointing at the random misspelled word, she felt her cheeks flustered. "Ah... Thanks Senpai."

"You know that Trein-sensei is strict when it comes to spelling..." sighing, he opened up a book while peeking at how his junior answer. "she's not a devil like that old man anyway" he mumbled

"Oho... Silver. You sure can talk" Says the person behind him that appeared as Lilia. His eyes are now glowing red, as if ready to slaughter Silver with just his gaze. Sweatdropping, he cleared his throat and stayed silent.

seeing him like that, you decided to help Silver by talking with your brother "Nii-san! why are you here?" which is really effective. He became cheerful again. Hugging her sister from the back, He peeked to her shoulders and saw history textbooks.

"Hum... You're failing in History Y/n? don't tell me, you're sleeping at Trein sensei's class." he said while Rubbing his cheeks to yours, giving you affection.

"There is just some part that I can't understand, Lilia-nii. Since Silver-senpai is good at history class, I decided that he would help me."

"Why not ask me~?"

"We won't have progress if I'll ask you." making a distance between you two again, he gave a glare to Silver, then, smiled at him "Silver, I'm leaving my twin to you" he says, leaving the study room of Diasomnia.

Silver, who was pretty scared of Lilia most of the time, finally managed to breathe because of the dark aura which Lilia releases.

Continuing the lessons he gave you... Silver said something out of blue "Y/n... Didn't I told you that I'm doing this for free?" while resting his head on his hands, he looked ay you without any emotions to be seen. He's just looking at you blankly

"You... didn't tell me anything about that..." fiddling your hands under the table, you became anxious of what will happen in the future.

sighing, the fixed his way of sitting and opened another book. "Help me... with my sleeping problems." this time, he didn't even bother to look at you. He's giving the book his full attention. Flipping through the pages as time passes by, you finally finished answering the answer sheet that is given to you

Another hour has passed, checking the paper of hers and explaining the mistakes to her. "Senpai... you could even become a teacher like that.." you said under your breath, making him smile for some seconds.

Entering the study room, Sebek passes the message to them "Lady Y/n, Silver, Dinner is ready. Head to the dining room"

fixing their things, they followed Sebek to have their fill for that night.

"How's the progress, Y/n?" asked Lilia, "All good as this food" you stated, eating the food that is served before you. After that question and your question, none other than silence filled the room, which is... totally normal.

finishing your food, you raised from your seat, as well as the others. The dorm helpers took them to be washed.

Going to your room, you took a shower and changed to your nightgown that isn't much showing too much skin. Fixing your hair, you then went out, as if sneaking out. Being careful not to be caught by your two-faced brother.

You headed to his room. Knocking, he answered "come in"

twisting the knob, you entered. "Senpai... Are you sure to sleep this early?"

"Mhm. This is my sleeping time when I was still a child anyway," he informed you. Checking you head to toe, his eyes landed to your legs. Blushing, he turned his head and asked "your nightgown... why is it above the knee?"

"oh... sorry about that. I always use this kind"

heading to his bed, you sat down. Tapping your hands to your thighs, "Come here, Senpai."

blushingly mess, he was the one who asked her for this and he needed to accept this. He may be nervous, but he actually likes it.

resting his head to your thighs, you even caress his hair to make him feel comfortable and calm. Singing a lullaby for him, and using your magic, within seconds, he fell asleep.

Taking this chance to take a good look at his face, you stared at his face which looked like an innocent one. As time passes, your eyelids also started to feel heavy. Drifting you to sleep.


*knock* *knock*

knocking at his twin sister's room to wake her up, he didn't receive any reply, not even a single word to be heard. He thought that she might be sleeping soundly again so he entered the room. Which he is wondering why is it unlocked.

"lil sis~! Wake....up...." looking at the bed of hers, she wasn't there. She's a lazy type that cannot even leave her room early in the morning.

he felt himself feeling panicking. Why? she is the only family that's left to him. Heading to Sebek's room, he asked for help to fin her with his face in horror. Same with Malleus who's very delighted, receiving an invitation to help his supervisor to find his only twin.

Storming the last room to be checked, they headed to Silver's room

gasping for air, they didn't stop. Not even bothering to knock, they entered the room. "Silver! Have you seen...."

stopping there, The three who stormed the certain room stood frozen, seeing their precious treasure, Y/n, letting someone sleep on her lap. They're deeply asleep

Sebek shivered, Malleus' and Lilia jaw-dropped,

Analyzing the situation more, the three ended up screaming, waking the whole dorm members.

Y/n's eyes slowly opened up because of the noise. Her hands are still resting at Silver's head. Looking where the whole noises came from, She raised a finger to her mouth, signalling them to shut up and says "Good morning... Please lower it down."

even that whole noise didn't even wake Silver up. She decided to let him sleep for a while in her lap, Taking over the sleepless nights he had before.

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