>>READER INSERT<< Leona Kingscholar x Reader

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Requested by: Socially_Inept_


You didn't know whether he lost his mind or he's just playing around. 

The prideful lion was always by your side, not to guard you but instead, to tease or play with you every time he's bored. Yes, he does play with you.

Invited to come and join him at his favorite spot in the garden, he had you sitten on his lap while he braids your hair without blurting any word. Sometimes, he'd put flowers in your hair, decorating it well. But when you'd expect him to decorate your hair, he'd not do it.

"Don't expect too much, herbivore."

After kissing your forehead, he got up and left the garden. You knew nothing about what's in his mind and that won't change. Especially because of his weird and horrible personality, you couldn't approach him and ask things you want to know about him. Ah right, you have no permission to do that at all. He's literally ruling you even if you don't want to. 

"I hope he'll change his personality even just for a little..." sighing, you brushed off every thought you have about the savanaclaw's dorm leader as you also left the garden before Ruggie could catch you skipping your extra classes. 

"I guess it's time to go back to my dorm~!" smiling brightly, you avoided students of the same year as yours. The situation will become worse if they saw you, after all. "I'm gonna make another excuse to Vargas-sensei, LoL"





a day has passed, it's Saturday. Every student of the NRC loves this day because they're free to do whatever they wanted. Eating inside the classroom, using their cellphones, sleeping, and skipping class is also okay unless you do all of the assignments and pass it on Monday- easy.

sadly, you weren't free to do those.

having the urge to pull that tail of his so badly, you evilly glared at the man sleeping under the tree of the courtyard. He should've stayed in his room and sleep instead of calling you out in this place, only to watch after him. 

Though you felt bad that if you leave, Ruggie will take care of this one hell of a lazy man. Ruggie's been through many things and he deserves a proper rest. And, you also need that kind of rest. 

"He's royalty but he doesn't have a servant like Jamil-senpai..." cursing under your breath, you leaned on the bench, still watching Leona sleeping who's probably dreaming about something good because he's smiling like an idiot.

"Woah there" Leona's expression softened. The look on his face just says how relaxed he is at the moment. Due to curiosity as his ears twitches, you went closer to him, peering at those adorable soft-looking ears of the lion. Reaching out for his ear, your eyes lit up. 

''So soft..." weird enough for you to assume all the time that because of his laziness, he doesn't care about what shampoo or conditioner he uses but realizing that he actually cares about his self, you decided not to judge him anymore. 

"Mhn... Y/n..." he tilted his head yet his eyes didn't open up. Leona's tail was also swaying, does it mean he likes being touched like this? "Y/n, I..."

He what? You didn't bother to listen to his yapping though. Your full attention was given to his ear and tail only, not Leona. "...Like you, mhn..." his tone is gentle causing you to hear it. 

"He likes... who? me...?" Gulping, you stopped caressing his ears. "Leona likes me...?" asking yourself again, you peered at his face. However, his eyes opened up, looking ever so straight at you. 

"It's up to you if you'll believe me, herbivore" Leona smugly smiled, taking the chance to peck your lips. No matter how short that kiss was, you were still dumbfounded. Your heart beats faster yet you weren't sure if you just fell in love with him right now or you were just an idiot for not noticing your feelings towards him. 

hiding your face on his chest, you punched his shoulder as hard as you can. He didn't budge though, it didn't hurt a little bit for him. "getting shy now?" he licked his lips as he whispers...

"You're so fucking cute, babe..."

fainting in embarrassment, you knew something more troublesome will happen in the future. 

and that's... having him as your dear boyfriend.


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