(READER INSERT) Leona Kingscholar x reader

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requested by: TsukinamiCaelum (I'm so sorry if this one is not to your liking;-;)



He, the second prince of the afterglow savanna was Y/n's FORMER boyfriend. Mind to know why? his overprotectiveness separated her from her close friends. And now, she's all alone after fighting almost every day with him. Lines whom she hates,

"You're so annoying!"

"Leave. I want to sleep"

"Do anything you want. Just don't stick to other men"

if he could say those things, then why did he even confessed his feelings to you? or, did he found another one? that could explain his changes.

but no. It's not.

"She's a human! she can't use magic, either. Leona, You CAN'T marry that woman!" was his brother's line which breaks your relationship with him. The thing that hurts you the most is his reply:

"sure. I don't really like her or anything anyway. She's just a spineless, idiot one. I could easily find another one, even more better than her"

That's the past. There's no way she could re-write that, so, she just left it like that. After all, a commoner and a Prince can't be together, that's a famous rule that's meant to be followed

"..." looking up at the clear sky from the windows of her dorm with Grim resting on her shoulders. She smiled to herself, feeling something great would happen this afternoon.

"Grim, let's go. we're going to be late if we'll just stay here."

"I'm still tired ya'know... Those ghosts didn't shut up last night ya know?" she patted his head, "Right, right. I'll take you there, don't worry"

taking one's bag, they headed to the Savanaclaw's Magift Stadium, assist her group to catch the real culprit to every accident that happened around the academy.

The moment she stepped into the stadium, all of the audiences were rampaging, running, screaming for help. Men in black and green helped the audiences to evacuate safely though some students are still inside. "Grim. Stay away for a bit! I'm going in"

"You idiot human! It's dangerous, ya know?!" Despite all of these yelling, she never minded all of these and ran inside,

she stopped her tracks, hand traveled all to her mouth, seeing Leona over blotting

"Leona!" she exclaimed, taking everyone's attention to her. "Y/n?! Why are you here? It's dangerous!" Jack says while the others on Leona's surroundings did too.

Before she could react, someone at a fast pace captured her neck, strangling her. "Y/n... It's because of you! You caused all of this!" Leona's nails dug to her skin even more that blood came dripping to her clothes every time she struggles

"L-Leona..! Stop..." her vision slightly whitens every minute passes by. Little she didn't know, Y/n already fainted on his hold.

"....ke up" a voice lingered to her mind. "huh..?"

"wake up, Y/n" a familiar deep voice called onto her "what are you doing? are you skipping or something? you've got the guts huh" he chuckled, caressing her head. "E-Eh..? where am I...? Garden?"

"you're the one who fell asleep in my shoulder, idiot"

"Wait what...? This is the past.."

"What are you talking about? hurry up and go to your class." she forcefully took his hand to her before he could stand "...Leona" she mumbled. Y/n can already feel her tears flowing. "...Leona, even if this is a dream... Let's stay together, even for a minute, please.."

"Ha? dream? what are you talking about?" yes, he did say that. Even so, he kneeled down in front of you to wipe those unsightly tears from your cheeks. "Stop that. You look horrible"

"I don't care! Just... Just stay with me... That's all I need, Leona. i-i love you so much that it hurts!"

Leona's gaze softened to this simple statement which you blurted "I do too, Y/n. I love you so much that i want to protect you will all my might but..." a pause "our love story isn't allowed from the beginning, we're cursed by the gods" as he gave you a heartful hug, you wasted no time to give it back

there's no need to be embarrassed right now, she needed to show how she loves him so much to death. "Leona... if you would be able to be reborn, who would you like to be?"

"A normal human who can marry you, of course, idiot" with a light flick planted to her forehead, Leona connected his lips to Y/n's. Savoring this great time with her truly. Their hearts linked as one, however, their hearts are actually crying every time they hold each other. "say, Leona..."

"Even if our love story is tied to the doom, let's enjoy this kind of time, shall we?"

Deep in her heart, she can remember it. This day she is sent to was the second day after he said those horrible things to her. Y/n believes, his feelings are all a lie.

None of these are real, not even a spoonful of truth was here.

you love me? what a lie. I've been watching every move you do. Like what my brother usually tells me to.

Whenever she goes, she has this knife pen whom she treasures "my king, I love you so much but... the act is over" after she slowly uncapped the pen, she continues "Leona, never underestimate a hunter's power" she smiled, stabbing him on his heart with the sharp object

she stabbed him once again after another, not letting him take a chance to even kill her with his bare hands. This is actually the reality, yes it is

Her magic has awakened long ago without telling anyone, 'Past Love' her unique magic, could turn back the time she treasures the most. "How does it feel, Leona? It hurt so much, right?! That's what I have been feeling for the longest time! You deserve this... You deserve this...!" tears rolled down to her cheeks watching him slowly die. "Don't worry my beloved, I'll follow you too..."

As he bathed on the pool of his blood, his skin became pale. She smiled "As i thought... something great would happen this afternoon" giving herself a stab on the stomach, she coughed blood. Pairing with her lover, another stab was given to her by herself in the heart. She felt numb, powerless.

"..L-Leo..na.." feeling the coldness of the other and the ground, she coughed even more. She looked to her lover at her side, about to reach out to his face,

White lily took her attention, her favorite flower is now colored by someone's blood. She closed her eyes, resting herself. The peacefulness of the place calmed herself to death

"It seems like I really am destined to die here, aren't i?"

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