(READER INSERT) Octavinelle x reader

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this is the 3rd part of "all x reader" req by: @DP2810

4 parts to go~ UwU


"my, my, Prefect, Y/n. You're here. Is there something bothering you?" Azul approached you when he saw you in the Monstro lounge looking down and haggard.

"a-ah... Azul..." but even with his presence, it even made you more troubled "may I know what's bothering you?"

"ahah~! my little shrimp is here~!" cutting your word, the troublesome twins saw you with Azul "Y/n-san, i see that you're here. Are you here for something?" asked Jade while letting his twin hug you tight

"F-Floyd... I can't..."

"Floyd, let go of Y/n. She's our special guest, got that?" Azul commanded, earning a "tsk" from the cheerful eel

"I... I'm failing... in the Alchemy class.."

"eh? aren't you a top student?" shocking the trio, they listened to your worries

"Mhm... Please help me... I'll sign the contract if it's needed, I'll pay no matter the price is...!"

they didn't refuse her. While having the smirk of his shaping onto his lips, he let you sign the contract. "pay us by... having fun with us for a month"

without any second thought, she signed the contract. Not for her own, but for the grades of hers

Every time the school ends, She would go straight to Octavinelle's dorm, receiving special exception having the three to tutor her until 9:oo pm and playing with them for 30 minutes

playing with them you ask? They'll play board games. Sometimes, the three would take turns to let her sit on their lap and hug her while playing with them

A little bit lewd isn't it~?

By the time she's going to leave the certain dorm, she would receive kisses from the three in the cheeks and forehead and whispers 'don't be late tomorrow okay~?' 'you'll receive punishment if you did~' 'you'd better get ready and don't forget about what we taught you"

this kept continuing until...

"what?! she's sick?!"

Grim informed then that you're breathing heavily because of overwork, doing chores at the Ramshackle dorm she's managing. "headmaster says that she has asthma, ya'know?"

not caring about the lessons, they rushed through the said dorm to visit the girl. Minding their voices to not bother the sick prefect, Azul knocked onto the door as he twists the knob and came in, revealing the bedridden girl "Y/n..."

"G-Guys... why are you here?" she asked.

They surrounded the bed of hers, their expressions are wary

for the first time, Floyd called her by the name and also did changed his tone "Y/n, it would be more better if you did tell us"

she chuckled, "my, my, those scary faces of the villains look lame now... not bad... *cough* *cough*"

covering your mouth, you felt something unusual and tasted metallic. Looking at your hand, the sight of blood almost made you faint.

"Y-Y/n...! don't you dare to sleep!" Jade panicked. "Azul! don't you have a medicine for this?!"

"I don't have it! I'm going to gather some herbs and make some, Floyd, Go ask Crowley or Crewel sensei if they have an already made medicine! Jade, I'm leaving Y/n to you. Don't let her sleep!"

"Yes!" the twins answered. Leaving the room in hurry, Jade sat down at the side of the bed and held your hand. "Y/n don't sleep, you might not be able to wake up again if you did. Grim just said that you have an asthma, now tuberculosis? You're not even coughing the last few days!"

"I-I'm sorry..."

the moment that her eyelids are already about to shut, Jade's sharp nails scratched the skin of hers. "do you feel it?"

"J-Jade... It hurts..."

"don't worry, the pain will make you awake... "

coughing once again, blood came out.

her skin... is already pale...

"gods... please let her live..." he prayed, grasping her hand

"Jade... if I did... Don't let your smugness and cheekiness of yours... disappear.. alright? "

"Don't say something like that! Y/n, please... please... stop talking and..."

"Y/n, Jade here's the medicine!" entering the room, Azul came back with the medicine in hand. Relieved, Jade is once again on his usual posture "Y/n drink this... it will make you better"

gently holding the back of your head, he let you drink the medicine.

"it tasted like rotten... ugh! *cough* *cough*"

after some time, sounds of heels, running towards the room as being heard. At last, the headmaster and Divus-sensei came with Floyd.

"Azul, we have the medicine." said Divus.

Approaching the daughter figure of the headmaster, he gently hugged her, making the girl cry


sobbing echoed around the room, even Azul, Floyd, Jade, and Divus shed tears of happiness as their worries and insecurities disappear.

the coughing has lessened, until she rested for another 3 days, to completely heal her organs as well as her with the Octavinelle's help and her adoptive father's support.







a week later, Alchemy examination day as well as the other subjects, She passed all of these, taking the rank of 2 overall among the first years

having a break to herself, she went to the garden. Coincidence, there are the trio was, taking a break there. "Hm? why are you three resting here?"

"Oh, Y/n, Congratulations on passing your exam"

"little shrimp congratulations~"

"Y/n-san come here"

going at their side, they said "why not play with us right now?" with a delightful smiles in their lips




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