(READER INSERT) Octavinelle x siren!Reader

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req by sanata101


Born as an immortal and a siren, yet i lived in the land despite i can also live in the sea. My mother has a habit though. Something that i cannot understand in that age

It's always like that... She only cares about money. She does praise me but...

"Mother, Mother! Isn't my voice nice?!"

"Yes, it does, my dear. We've made a lot of money because of you~!"

Money is always on her sentence...

"Mother, I'm sick..."

"What a waste of money! But if you sing while you're sick... The customers will go away! Now go sleep!"

My voice has always been so soft... but as days pass by, It becomes deeper that Mother got angry...

"Ugh! With that voice of yours, Money will go away! Tch..."

days kept on continuing like that Until all of her costumers hated my voice

"Just how useless are you?! I felt pain bearing you in my stomach and this is what you're going to give me?! My money is flying away!"

Until one customer who's always supporting me from the start of my performances, Told me about the Sea Witch named Ursula

"Y/n-chan, There's someone who can help you improve your voice. Go the sea of corals, And in the unique looking cave there, The sea witch named Ursula can help you. But with a nice price though." he says with a smile as he gently patted her head.

That night, I sneaked out. Like what that person told me, I went to where the sea witch lives.

"My my, what a beautiful little girl you are~ I'm quite sure that you're here for a contact!"

nodding, she smirked "Now, Tell me what you desire~!" Caressing my cheeks with her rough hands, i felt anxious, yet, this is the only choice left to make my mother smile...

"Please... Please... make my voice like how it is before. The sweet and angelic Voice that my mother loves!"

But, it was left unpaid. She died in the next week after that deal i made. That i didn't realize, my voice is slowly killing me. My mother found this out, making her hate me even more. Those days though, she became happy. I didn't know why. Up til, my illness worsened

She just laughed evil, looking down at me as she pushed me out of our home "I don't need you anymore Y/n! I already have a lot of money to like in my whole life so... Bye bye~"

shutting the door, I was left there. Even if I would wait, I'm sure that she won't open that door.

"Young lady, what might you be doing here?" someone asked me, with a crow mask along with his feathery coat

"W-who...are... y-you?"

"I'm Dire Crowley. Should I assume that you're abandoned?" I nodded to his statement. He held his hand to me "I should take you in. I have no wife, neither a child of course. But I can ensure you a place to live plus anything you needed. Because I am Gracious enough~"

I Didn't think twice and took his hand. My life has changed, and was taken care with love of my new parent.

With my past known by him, he gave me medicines to make deadly voice affect me slowly

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